What Are the Examples of Flirting?

Flirting is an essential aspect of human interaction.
Flirting is an essential aspect of human interaction.

Flirting is an essential aspect of human interaction. It often opens a portal for intimate relationships between two people. Both men and women flirt, and many people find innocent flirting fun and satisfying.

Flirting may often point to different things: one-night stands, serious intent for a long-term relationship, destressing routine, habitual flirting, making business, and so on.

According to psychologists, below are a few common examples of flirting:

Social media posts:

  • Digital flirting is also a factor to consider. People who flirt are always the first ones to react to your social media posts.
  • If someone is constantly commenting or liking your social media posts, it is safe to say you are on their mind.
  • Though liking a post could just be a friendly move rather than a declaration of love, reacting to everything you post online might indicate attraction.


  • As per studies, their eyebrows raise when they see you.
  • A slight lifting of the brows is an unconscious way that people signal romantic interest.

Prolonged eye contact:

  • As per studies, if someone is gazing into your eyes, there is a high chance they have affection towards you.
  • Eye contact is a good indicator that someone finds a person interesting and potentially attractive.

Brief glances:

  • Many brief glances may sometimes be subtle flirtation.
  • In close relationships, people tend to direct many brief glances at the intended target of their flirtation.
  • This might mean that constantly catching the eye of someone across the room might be subtle flirtation rather than pure coincidence.


  • According to research on nonverbal signs of romantic interest, toying with a sleeve or fidgeting with a button could be flirting.
  • Females are noted to be more likely to play with their clothing if they were interested in a person.

Teasing and awkward compliments:

  • Being jokingly picked on might be a subtle sign that someone is into you.
  • However, there is a difference between light teasing and being made to feel uncomfortable or bullied.
  • Someone who repeatedly puts you down or makes you unhappy isn't worth your time, even if they are trying to flirt.

Possibly touching:

  • People who flirt possibly touch the one they like while they talk.
  • As per research, light touches can be their way of getting closer.
  • An accidental arm graze or bumping into might mean you are being flirted with.
  • Often the person will touch your arm or try to brush hands or feet against you if you are seated at a table or bar. A light touch on these areas sends signals to the brain about attraction.

They might want you to notice:

  • They let you catch them checking you out. This is a pretty big indicator that someone is into you and wants you to know it.
  • Though there are usually plenty of low-key opportunities to size up a potential mate, allowing themselves to be caught in the act might mean that they are trying to send a flirty message.

Open body language:

  • Paying attention to how open and relaxed someone's body language is can help you decipher their intentions.
  • For example, if they are squared up and facing you with their feet pointed in your direction, it may be a sign that they are interested in you.

Physical proximity:

  • It is a big sign of flirting. There are some situations in which being physically close to someone is inevitable (e.g., a full subway car). However, if someone scoots their chair closer to yours and leans in, there is a good chance they are trying to be flirty.
  • They try to move their body closer to yours. Close physical proximity is a good indicator of romantic intention.
  • If they're moving in closer, it's a good sign that they are getting ready to flirt.

What are the different styles of flirting?

Research shows that people use five main styles of flirting with each person displaying different levels of each style:


  • Individuals with this flirting style feel comfortable expressing their desire through physical behavior.
  • They generally have an easy time signaling their attraction, and their behavior is often likely to be interpreted as sexual in nature.


  • Individuals with this flirting style focus on creating an emotional bond with their potential romantic partners.
  • They tend to develop intimacy early on in relationships by eliciting self-disclosure, providing social support, and showing personal interest, which is generally in a romantic (but not necessarily sexual) manner.


  • Individuals with this flirting style tend to flirt in a way that is playful and light-hearted.
  • They are generally not concerned with how others may interpret their behavior. They often view flirting as an inherently satisfying behavior, even if it doesn’t lead to anything serious.


  • Individuals with this flirting style attempt to behave within the boundaries of traditional gender roles.
  • They expect the man to be the active initiator in the courtship process and the woman to play a more passive role.


  • Individuals with this flirting style use a relatively cautious approach to courtship.
  • They tend to avoid behavior that could potentially be construed by others as inappropriate, aggressive, or needy.

Flirting is not serious, but it is an important thing to do because it creates a spark between two people. Unless you have somehow managed to crack any universal code of romantic bonding that has forever eluded humankind, you know that flirting can be hard. Expressing affection can be potentially mortifying, particularly if you have got a crush on the person you are flirting with.


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Flirting With Psychology: A Measure of Flirtation. Intuition: The BYU Undergrad J Psych. 2010; 6(1). https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1093&context=intuition