What Health Benefits Do Lemons Have?

  • Medical Reviewer: Dany Paul Baby, MD
Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022

Lemon nutrition facts

Lemons are chock full of nutrients and vitamins to give your body a boost. Health benefits of lemons include relief from sore throat, improved cholesterol, better blood pressure, and others.
Lemons are chock full of nutrients and vitamins to give your body a boost. Health benefits of lemons include relief from sore throat, improved cholesterol, better blood pressure, and others.

Lemons are a popular fruit, but they’re better known for their tangy flavor than their nutritional benefits. Every part of the lemon can be used to improve your health!

Lemons are chock full of nutrients and vitamins to give your body a boost:

  • Lemons, like other fruits in the citrus family, are a great source of vitamin C. This encourages strong immunity, helps fight infections, heal injuries, and more. A single lemon offers about 31 milligrams of vitamin C. This is a third of the recommended daily vitamin C intake for men (90 milligrams) and a little less than half of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for women (75 milligrams).
  • The fruit is a good source of calcium. Calcium supports hormone secretion, vascular contraction, muscle function, and more.
  • Lemons are high in potassium. Potassium contributes to properly functioning muscles and nerves.
  • Folate is found in lemons. Folate aids red blood cell creation and helps prevent congenital spinal disabilities.

Vitamin C

As mentioned above, lemons provide a significant amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is an antioxidant and can benefit your skin, decrease the chance of complications from a flu or cold, and lessen inflammation in your body. Swapping orange juice for lemon water can give you a similar boost of vitamin C with a smaller amount of calories and sugar.

Relief from sore throat

When you have a sore throat, you can try the common home remedy of warm water combined with honey and lemon. This drink helps soothe pain in the throat, and the lemon aids your body in fighting off the illness.

Skin and hair

Like many over-the-counter acne medicines, lemons have alpha hydroxyl acids and natural antibacterial qualities that are great for skin care. Skin treatments with lemon can exfoliate, brighten, reduce oil, and fight blackheads. The high concentration of vitamin C also helps increase collagen synthesis, which contributes to clear skin. If you have dandruff, you can try treating your scalp with lemon to treat your symptoms.

The folic acid, vitamin B, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium found in lemons also provide cleansing advantages for your hair and skin. Before adding lemon to your skin or hair care routine, check in with your healthcare provider to ensure you are doing what’s best for your body.

Prevents kidney stones

Research shows that lemon juice can help prevent kidney stones because it increases your urine’s citrate levels. Citrate and calcium bind to discourage kidney stones from being created.

Better cholesterol

The Agricultural Research Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture has found that citrus limonoids, compounds found in citrus fruits, can help reduce cholesterol. Studies show that limonin, the limonoid that fights high cholesterol, can stay in your bloodstream for up to 24 hours. You can consume lemons regularly but not continuously if you want the benefits!

Protection against cancer

Other limonoids found in lemons have shown properties that help protect against cancer. Specifically, the key limonoids target the development of oral tumors.

Fights high blood pressure

Studies have shown that ingesting lemons helps reduce high blood pressure by affecting the blood citric acid concentration. Especially when combined with habitual walking, lemons positively affected research subjects thanks to the significant amount of citric acid, ascorbic acid, and polyphenol that they provide.

Regulates blood sugar

Lemons are high in fiber, and eating fibrous fruit can help prevent increases in your blood glucose. Stabilizing your blood glucose can reduce your risk of diabetes or help you manage diabetes if you’ve already been diagnosed.


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More energy

Lemon naturally offers an energy boost to your body. Combining lemon juice and water is a great way to pack electrolytes into your system! Similarly, research has shown that your mood can be lifted by participating in lemon-scented aromatherapy.

Better digestion

If you get a stomachache, you can try drinking lemon water. Lemons have such high acidity that your body increases the production of hydrochloric acid and, as a result, improves your digestion. When lemons are present in your digestive system, the absorption of food slows down, and your body is better able to break down food and pull the nutrients it needs. Water is essential for smooth digestion, making lemon water an excellent remedy.

The juice isn’t the only part of the lemon that can give your digestive system a boost. The peel and pulp of the lemon contain the most fiber, a soluble type called pectin. Pectin increases the production of digestive enzymes in your liver, ultimately making it easier for your body to get rid of waste.

Ways to add lemon to your diet

One of the easiest  ways to add lemon to your diet is drinking lemon water. You can substitute your morning coffee or orange juice for lemon water, warm or cool. This is a great way to stimulate your digestive system while raising your energy levels.

Warm lemon water is a natural way to help your body relax before bed, especially after a heavy meal. You don’t need to drink much, as drinking a lot of water at night can make it challenging to get a good night’s sleep.

Things to consider about lemon

Keep in mind that it’s possible to consume too much lemon! According to the American Dental Association, taking too much citrus can damage the enamel on your teeth, making it easier for you to develop tooth decay. Lemon can also aggravate mouth sores.

If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, consult with your healthcare provider before increasing your lemon intake. Lemon can create issues for people with this condition.

A study by the National Environmental Health Association showed that many lemons contain bacteria that could be harmful to your body. Pay attention to your body as you start to consume more lemon. If you notice abnormal side effects, reach out to your healthcare provider immediately.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022

Journal of nutrition and metabolism: "Effect on Blood Pressure of Daily Lemon Ingestion and Walking."

UPMC: "Benefits of Lemon Juice and Water."

Vital Record: "The Health Benefits of Lemon."