What Size Do My Breasts Need to Be for a Reduction?

Medically Reviewed on 1/24/2023
Breast Reduction Surgery
People with large breasts may face difficulties and discomfort at times.

Overbearingly big breasts not only cause considerable physical issues but can also cause severe mental discomfort and stress. Apart from just wanting smaller breasts, various symptoms and signals may suggest you are an ideal candidate for breast reduction surgery. 

Some vital signs that must be taken into consideration for breast reduction surgery include:

  • Breasts that appear to be out of proportion to your physique
  • The weight of your breasts causes pain in your neck, back and shoulders
  • Grooves on the tops of your shoulders produced by your bra straps
  • Your posture is being harmed by the weight of your breasts
  • Breasts that droop because of being overweight, causing your nipples and areolas to point downward
  • Unable to participate in sports or other strenuous activities because of the size or weight of your breasts
  • Asymmetrical breasts where one breast is larger than the other
  • Frequent rashes and infections in the skin behind your breasts
  • Sleeping is difficult owing to the pain produced by big breasts
  • Feeling self-conscious about your breast size

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of extra skin, fat, and tissue from your breasts. Although it is quite popular with women, it is also the most common operation for men.

Most women choose reduction mammoplasty to ease discomfort, lose weight, and obtain more proportionate outlines. Reduction mammoplasty is a prominent treatment for gynecomastia in men.

What size should you expect after breast reduction?

It is impossible to predict what the breast size will be following breast reduction surgery. This is because, in certain instances, tissue must be left behind to maintain blood and nerve supply to the recovering breast surface and nipple. Some women are used to having huge breasts and wish to keep their fullness to preserve their curves. Others claim they wish to keep their breasts as small as possible. 

It is crucial to consider that the body may change in the future and breast size cannot be the same throughout. People are happy with both the short-term and long-term results when it comes to size.

Various factors can influence the outcome size following a breast reduction surgery, such as:

  • The volume that is to be reduced
  • The nature of your breasts
  • The incision technique employed

You may anticipate decreasing one or two cup sizes following surgery, but after a thorough examination, your doctor may give you an idea of what outcomes you may realistically expect.


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Can your breasts get bigger after a breast reduction?

After breast reduction surgery, you must ensure that the results persist, which requires you to stay within 10 pounds of your ideal weight several months before surgery. 

In certain instances, breasts can naturally grow bigger after breast reduction surgery. 

Factors that influence the body's growth and development can enhance your breasts, such as:

  • Pregnancy
    • When a woman becomes pregnant, it is common for her breasts to grow during pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • If a woman has already had a breast reduction, this procedure may restore her breasts to their pre-surgery size. 
    • Naturally, the breasts should shrink after pregnancy and breastfeeding; however, they do not shrink to the previous ideal size that was obtained through breast reduction surgery.
  • Weight gain
    • The size of the breasts alters after a breast reduction. 
    • However, if you gain weight, part of it naturally accumulates in the breasts, increasing their size.
    • To reduce this, you are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a balanced diet, doing regular exercise, and reducing stress.
    • Apart from your lifestyle, certain medications may induce weight gain, and it may not be possible to avoid either taking the drugs or weight gain.
  • Hormone imbalances
    • Hormones can influence how your body grows and develop throughout your life. 
    • As a result, the body often undergoes significant changes during periods of substantial hormonal shifts, such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause
    • You are encouraged to wait until the breasts have stopped developing before getting the surgery done. 
    • Some women wait until they have completed menopause before having their breasts reduced.
    • Undergoing a breast reduction surgery before menopause is not always beneficial because breasts may enlarge and sag after menopause.
    • Hormone production in the body can also be influenced by lifestyle factors, such as:
    • Incorporating positive behaviors that lead to a healthier lifestyle can assist in maintaining the size of your breasts.

What conditions are treated with breast reduction surgery?

People with large breasts may face difficulties and discomfort at times.

Breast reduction surgery can help with certain conditions, such as:

  • Macromastia
    • This is a medical disorder characterized by abnormally big breasts. 
    • This condition causes a great deal of physical and emotional discomfort. 
    • It limits the person’s physical activity.
  • Asymmetrical breasts
    • Sometimes, the breast size may be disproportionate to the rest of the body or asymmetrical.
    • Such differences can be corrected with breast reduction surgery.
  • Stress
    • Because of enormous breasts, many people may have mental health concerns. 
    • This can impact their self-esteem and confidence.

What are the risks and complications of breast reduction surgery?

As with any surgery, breast reduction surgery causes certain complications. Even modern surgery, which is typically regarded as safe, always has the possibility of risks and complications.

Some of the potential complications and risks of breast reduction surgery include the following:

  • Surgical risks include bleeding and infection
  • Anesthesia-related risks including allergic reactions and fatal heart complications
  • General anesthesia or the endotracheal tube can cause swelling and breathing problems which present as loud breathing and pain
  • Deep vein thrombosis (formation of blood clots in the deep veins) of the legs, which can be fatal if it spreads to the lungs (pulmonary embolus) or the brain (brain embolus)
  • Fluid buildup surrounding the procedure site (s)
  • Suture materials, tape adhesive, or other medical products and lotions can cause allergic reactions
  • Skin discoloration, changes in permanent pigmentation, edema, and bruising
  • Deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs may be damaged, either temporarily or permanently
  • Fat necrosis (fatty tissue under the skin may perish)
  • Sensations in the breast and nipple may change
  • Numbness
  • Breast asymmetry 
  • Partial or complete loss of nipple and areola
  • Additional surgery may be required to manage complications

Bottom line

  • Breast reduction surgery usually produces long-term results. 
  • Your new breast size should alleviate the discomfort and physical restrictions you had before the breast reduction.
  • Your breasts will have a better form, in addition to being elevated and more proportionate to your body.
  • However, the breasts may alter gradually over time owing to age, weight changes, hormonal influences, and gravity.

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Medically Reviewed on 1/24/2023
Image Source: iStock image

Breast Reduction Surgery: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/breast-reduction-surgery

How Many Sizes Can You Go Down in a Breast Reduction? https://mycosmeticclinic.net/blog/how-many-sizes-can-you-go-down-in-a-breast-reduction/

Breast Reduction Surgery: https://www.uofmhealth.org/conditions-treatments/surgery/plastic/breast/reduction