10 Benefits of Purple Yam (Ube), and How It Differs From Taro

Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
10 Benefits of Purple Yam
Purple yam is a great source of potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamin C.

The purple yam is used in many different cuisines worldwide and is distinguished by its bright purple flesh. It offers numerous health benefits due to its high fiber content and low glycemic index. Even though the two are very different vegetables, purple yam and sweet potato are frequently mistaken for each other.

Purple yam is well-known for its distinct color and is an excellent addition to several dishes. It can help boost blood circulation and prevent digestive problems and constipation if included in the diet.

Their potent antioxidants may help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Purple yam may lower cancer risk due to its high vitamin C content. Because of its anthocyanins, it helps lose weight and promotes brain health.

10 health benefits of purple yam

  1. Nutritious
    • Purple yam is a great source of potassium, carbohydrates, and vitamin C. Additionally, it provides iron and vitamin A and has very little fat content.
    • They contain potent plant chemicals, such as anthocyanins, which reduce blood pressure and inflammation.
    • Vitamin C improves iron absorption and helps protect DNA from damage and cellular aging.
  2. Could be beneficial for blood circulation
    • Anthocyanins give the purple yam's meat its color. Anthocyanins act as air pollution-absorbing antioxidants. As a result, the risk of blood clot formation is reduced and blood circulation will be smooth.
  3. Might enhance brain health
    • Anthocyanins are neuroprotective and reduce cellular death. Purple yams contain diosgenin, a chemical linked to brain activity and neuron proliferation. These studies have been done using laboratory animals.
    • According to a study, diosgenin can improve memory and neural excitation.
  4. May help treat digestive issues
    • Purple yams' pectin and fiber may aid in digestion. Foods that are high in fiber help clean the intestines. Additionally, fiber enhances intestinal motility and is a constipation remedy and preventative measure. Additionally, pectin has special qualities that could help treat or prevent intestinal infections.
  5. Packed with antioxidants
    • Antioxidants are rich in purple yams. They help protect cells from harm brought on by exposure to free radicals. This may help lower the risk of developing several malignancies.
    • According to studies, the anthocyanins in purple yams, specifically peonidin and cyaniding, may lower the chance of developing lung, prostate, and colon cancer.
  6. Anticancer
    • The antioxidant activity of purple yam is 2.5 times greater than that of various varieties of blueberries. It can aid in the body's ability to manage cancer cells.
    • Additionally, vitamin C scavenges free radicals to prevent DNA damage and other cancer-related consequences.
    • The purple yam's high selenium and iodine level content may fight thyroid and cancer disorders. 
  7. Blood sugar control
    • Diabetes affects a sizable portion of the human population. Flavonoids found in purple yams help reduce blood sugar levels. Studies report that eating purple yams can help control blood sugar.
  8. Combating asthma
    • Although asthma cannot be cured, it frequently gets better with purple yam consumption. The inability of the pulmonary organs to expand is what causes asthma.
  9. Body weight management
    • Purple yam is rich in complex carbs, has a sweet flavor, and can help you gain weight. Regular exercise and activities are required besides this. Once the muscles have developed, your weight will naturally rise.
  10. Processed to create a range of nutritious foods
    • In addition to being used for its natural pigment, purple yams can be eaten raw or boiled. Purple yam can be used in a wide variety of recipes. Purple yam is tasty and nutritious that will complement your meals.


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The nutritional content of purple yam

A 100-gram serving of purple yam has:

Table. The nutritional content of purple yam (100 grams)
Nutrient Amount
Vitamin B6 0.29 mg
Carbohydrate 27.89 grams
Copper 0.18 mg
Vitamin C 17.1 mg
Potassium 816 mg
Total dietary fiber 4.1 grams
Vitamin B1 0.11 mg
Phosphorus 55 mg
Iron 0.54 mg
Vitamin B5 0.31 mg
Vitamin B9 23 µg
Magnesium 21 mg
Vitamin B3 0.55 mg
Protein 1.53 grams
Vitamin B2 0.03 mg
Zinc 0.24 mg

What is the difference between ube and taro?

They are both types of sweet potatoes. However, the primary distinction between an ube and taro is that the former has a rich, sweet flavor, whereas the latter has an earthy, faintly nutty, and significantly less sweet flavor. They should not be used indiscriminately in recipes.

Furthermore, the differences between ube and taro include:


The ube is easily distinguished from a yam by its color, which is typically an intense saturated purple. Its color gets more intense when cooked or processed into baked goods and other desserts. Food photographers, bakers, and cooks use this vegetable to create vibrant foods.


When taro is pulled from the soil, the flesh is lighter, often white. It often turns a light purple color after being grated, blended, or chopped. Although taro lacks the vibrancy of an ube, food sellers in the Philippines and other tropical countries use taro as a “healthier” addition to sweet treats, such as slushies and ice cream.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
Image Source: iStock image

What to Know About Purple Yam? https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-to-know-about-purple-yam

Comparison of Different Hydrocolloids on the Novel Development of Muffins from “Purple Yam” (Dioscorea alata) Flour in Sensory, Textural, and Nutritional Aspects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8541874/