16 Best Substitutes for Rice Vinegar

Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
10 Best Substitutes for Rice Vinegar
Consider the importance of rice vinegar in your food and whether the alternative can match its traits when selecting the ideal substitute for your recipe.

Rice vinegar has a moderate flavor that is less acidic and mildly sweet. This makes it perfect for marinades, salad dressings, and pickling vegetables. It is commonly used in rice meals (particularly sushi), fish and Asian cuisines, and stir-fries. However, when rice vinegar is unavailable, we may require the best substitute that offers a similar flavor. 

  • Apple cider vinegar, which has a mellow apple flavor, is the ideal rice vinegar alternative.
  • White balsamic vinegar and white wine are tart and less sweet replacements for rice vinegar.
  • Champagne vinegar, red wine vinegar, herb vinegar, and sherry vinegar are all alternatives to rice vinegar.

10 best vinegar substitutes for rice vinegar

The ten best vinegar substitutes for rice vinegar include:

  1. White wine vinegar:
    • Made from the fermentation of white wine and is fantastic in vinaigrettes, marinades, pickles, and sweet-and-sour meals.
    • The acidic liquid preserves some of the wine flavors, giving it a fruity and less sour tang. It is slightly less sweet than the rice-derived variant.
    • To match the sweetness level, swap it into equal parts and add one-fourth teaspoon of sugar for every tablespoon. 
    • It is commonly used for brining, tenderizing meat, braising, in stews, soup, chutney, hollandaise, and béarnaise sauce.
    • Use a dilute solution for the first time to estimate the exact amount you require.
  2. Apple cider vinegar:
    • This is a close match that may be used with sushi, marinades, sauces, dressings, chicken, stir-fried, and hog meals. 
    • Because it is prepared from fermented apples, it has strong acidity, fruity aromas, and an apple taste. 
    • It may be used to make pickled vegetables, stew, and chutney.
    • It is well-known for its numerous health advantages; however, you may need to take more than a tablespoon in your vinaigrette to enjoy them. 
    • To keep the same amount of sweetness, replace it in equal parts and add one-fourth teaspoon of sugar. Be careful not to overshadow another delicate taste by adding too much.
  3. Sherry vinegar:
    • Its sweet acidity makes it an excellent substitution. It may be strong, so use it in recipes that can manage the acid punch.
    • Replace it in equal parts in your marinade recipes for chicken, steak, and vegetables.
  4. Champagne vinegar:
    • With its mild flavor, this is an excellent rice vinegar substitute for avoiding overwhelming other delicate ingredients in your recipe.
    • It is manufactured from fermented grapes. Use this as a direct substitution in salad dressings, vegetable dishes, and marinades and the preparation of spaghetti and marinara sauce.
  5. Distilled white vinegar or white vinegar:
    • This is a fairly strong substitution, and it is recommended to combine it with white wine, broth, or water and a pinch of sugar to produce a good equivalent.
    • It's not the ideal option, but if it's all you have, it can work if you dilute it, add it gently, and taste it as you go to reach the correct balance.
  6. Balsamic vinegar:
    • This choice can be used as a last resort in marinades, grilled meat seasonings, fish dishes, and some dressings although it is not suitable for all applications. 
    • Balsamic vinegar works best when diluted and added to dishes that won't require a lot of cooking time.
    • It is advised to only use a small amount and not to replace the full quantity because the flavor and color are more potent.
    • It is a stickier variety, so you may need to add a little lemon juice to balance the flavors.
  7. Seasoned rice vinegar:
    • Simply adding salt and sugar to the plain rice vinegar will improve it and turn it into seasoned rice vinegar.
    • This gives you the freedom to experiment with different combinations of your rice vinegar until you find the perfect dish to enhance its mild flavor.
  8. Malt vinegar:
    • This vinegar substitute, which is well-known for its nutty flavor, is perfect if you're using rice vinegar in savory or meat-based dishes, sauces, or marinades.
    • Use it with the same ratio as you use rice vinegar.
  9. Herb vinegar:
    • You can make your herb vinegar at home by marinating your favorite herbs in vinegar.
    • However, depending on the herbs used to make the vinegar, might alter the flavor of the meal.
  10. Fruit-flavored vinegar:
    • Fruit vinegar typically has a strong taste based on the fruit used.
    • A raspberry vinegar, for example, would most likely not work well in an Asian slaw dressing.
    • Citrus vinegar may be a comparable replacement.


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3 best wine substitutes for rice vinegar

The three best wine substitutes for rice vinegar include:

  1. Rice wine:
    • The wine, which is also manufactured from fermented rice, may be used as a substitute for rice vinegar if a few guidelines are followed.
    • A dry wine with a light and transparent look would be the ideal replacement among the numerous rice wines available. Additionally, choose something with low alcohol content.
    • If you want to boost the acidity of the wine, just add a dash of white vinegar. This strikes the perfect balance.
    • Because rice wine includes alcohol, it should only be used as a replacement in foods that will be cooked long enough to burn off the alcohol. In other words, if you're preparing salad dressing, leave this out.
  2. White wine:
    • If you have a bottle of white wine on hand, you have a perfect rice vinegar substitute for prepared foods.
    • As with the preceding option, this will only work in recipes where the alcohol can be cooked off by heat.
    • Use a dry white wine and avoid ones with strong taste profiles, which may overpower the flavors of your food.
    • Replace in equal parts and, if necessary, add a few drops of lemon juice to boost the acidity. This goes well with fish and poultry, as well as marinades and prepared sauces.
  3. Red wine vinegar:
    • This type has a reddish tint that can interfere with the color of dressings and may not be suited for pickling.
    • This can be a good alternative in other cuisines where the color is not important or when it will blend into a wide mix of components. 
    • It is somewhat more acidic, so start with less and gradually increase if necessary.

3 other great substitutes for rice vinegar

The three best non-vinegar and non-wine substitutes for rice vinegar include:

  1. Lemon or lime juice:
    • Although not identical, the acidity in these citrus fruit juices may emphasize flavors in your cuisine in a similar way.
    • Because the tastes might be overwhelming, it is better to start with small quantities and add more as needed.
    • Dilute the lemon or lime juice with a little water if you need a little more liquid with less punch.
  2. Bouillon:
    • To enhance flavor, use half the recommended amount of water when making chicken broth from stock cubes. 
    • Although it lacks acidity, this adds a new flavor dimension and can be used in place of the original ingredient in soups, stews, and sauces.
    • To add the necessary acidity, add a few drops of lemon juice.
    • It is available as cubes, and you may need to mix it in warm water before use.
  3. Mirin:
    • Mirin has a flavor that is comparable to rice vinegar. Mirin, a rice vinegar replacement, adds umami depth to your recipes. 
    • When comparing rice vinegar to mirin, mirin has more sugar and less alcohol than rice vinegar.
    • If you desire more sweetness, you can add more sweeteners like honey or sugar.

Make your own rice vinegar substitute

If you don't have any of the above rice vinegar alternatives, you may make your own. If you don't want to give up the fundamental flavor of rice vinegar, the combination is also good. 

Ingredients should include:

  • soy sauce,
  • wine, or
  • apple cider vinegar.


  1. In a bowl, combine a little vinegar and a few drops of soy sauce. Stir the mixture quickly. Taste the mixture. 
  2. You may need to add a few more drops of the seasoning sauce depending on the severity of the vinegar and soy sauce. If the soy sauce flavor is too strong, dilute it with a little water.
  3. The combination is ready to use right away. It is especially good as a dip or in cold dishes. When combined with rice, the soy sauce creates a flavor that is similar to rice vinegar.

There are several vinegar varieties available, each with its distinct properties. Consider the importance of vinegar in your food and whether the alternative can match the most obvious traits when selecting the ideal substitute for your recipe.

If it's too sweet, add a bit of sugar, squeeze some lemon drops for tartness, or dilute with broth or water if it's too acidic. By following these guidelines, you should be able to properly integrate practically any vinegar.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Substitute for Rice Vinegar: https://thekitchencommunity.org/substitute-for-rice-vinegar/

Rice Vinegar Substitute Sushi: https://blogchef.net/rice-vinegar-substitute-sushi/

9 Best Substitutes For Rice Vinegar: https://www.organicfacts.net/substitute-rice-vinegar.html