12 Health Benefits the Spice Cumin is Good For

  • Medical Reviewer: Dany Paul Baby, MD
Medically Reviewed on 11/4/2022

What health benefits does cumin have? 

Cumin is a popular spice that is considered Indian or middle eastern. Health benefits of cumin include that it helps with weight control, increases iron, provides antioxidants, and other benefits.
Cumin is a popular spice that is considered Indian or middle eastern. Health benefits of cumin include that it helps with weight control, increases iron, provides antioxidants, and other benefits.

Cumin is a popular spice that is considered Indian or middle eastern. Many recommend cumin for its numerous perceived benefits, not just its taste or the aura it brings to food. Those who have used it for generations often speak of the health benefits of cumin, like fighting inflammation and weight loss. The following characteristics show why there is more to cumin than just spicy flavors. 

Weight control to antioxidants

Help with weight control: Some say that cumin supplements that are very concentrated help with weight loss. In a study, women that consumed yogurt with cumin in it lost weight as compared to those who only ate regular yogurt. Numerous studies replicate these findings. 

Could increase your iron: Iron is a mineral that is blood healthy. It promotes blood flow and healthy menstrual cycles. Cumin is a good source of iron. A paper published stated cumin could contain 66mg of iron in 100 grams, which is five times the recommended daily requirement for adults. Cumin could aid those who are anemic and relieve associated symptoms like cognitive issues and fatigue

High in antioxidants: Cumin has excellent antioxidant properties. These protect your cells and could help to reduce heart disease risks as well as other conditions. Cumin and a healthy diet are great ways to combat chronic disease.  

Digestion to diabetes

Could aid in digestion: The seeds of cumin could be good for digestive issues. It has been shown to help with gas. Cumin contains high amounts of sodium and magnesium, which help with stomach aches and promote digestion. Cumin also could help with nausea, bloating, cramps, and GI spasms. 

Helps to prevent food-borne illnesses: Cumin has antibacterial properties and antiviral properties that help to ward off infections and diseases from improperly prepared food. Cumin has thymol and carvacrol that could act as a disinfectant. These compounds protect the GI system from bacteria and fungi.

Helps with diabetes: Cumin has properties that help with diabetes. Studies have shown that supplementation with cumin decreased early signs of diabetes in test subjects that were overweight. It has also been shown to prevent long-term diabetes side effects by attacking advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Immunity to respiratory disorder symptoms

Could help to boost immunity: Cumin contains vital nutrients like essential oils, vitamins A and C, and iron. Taking cumin can help to boost your immune system both alone and with the assistance of these nutrients. Vitamin C boosts the activity of white blood cells through its antioxidant properties. It fights free radicals, which can eventually lead to heart disease.

Drug dependence reduction: The nutritional makeup of cumin may help with addictive behavior and withdrawal from opioid-type drugs. Studies are limited, so more research is constantly being done to determine the scope of these findings.

Could relieve respiratory disorder symptoms: Essential oils and caffeine make cumin a good choice for decongestion. It is a good choice for treating bronchitis and asthma. The route of work is that of an expectorant. It loosens respiratory tract mucus and makes it easier to sneeze or cough up. Getting rid of mucus helps to heal whatever respiratory process is going on. 

Healthy skin to inflammation

Helps with healthy skin: Cumin can help with signs of early aging, including sagging skin, wrinkles, and age spots. It also helps to protect your skin from microbial and fungal infections because of its properties. There is a high presence of vitamin E in cumin. This gives it antioxidant properties to fight free radicals.  

Promotes productive lactation: Cumin helps lactating or pregnant moms due to its high iron content. It eases the pain of milk secretions through the breast due to its nutrient thymol. The high calcium concentration in cumin makes up a substantial percentage of the daily recommended value. Its calcium levels make it very healthy and beneficial for lactating moms.

Helps to fight inflammation: Extracts from cumin have been shown to fight inflammation. Numerous properties of cumin have anti-inflammatory effects. More studies are needed to determine whether dietary cumin in food or cumin supplements are the best route of action for treating inflammation.  


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Medically Reviewed on 11/4/2022

Animal Feed Science and Technology: "Cumin seed improves nutrient intake and milk production by dairy cows."

Cleveland Clinic: "Cooking With Cumin: What You Should Know About This Versatile Spice."

Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine: "Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cumin Essential Oil."

Indian Dermatology Online Journal: "Vitamin E in dermatology."

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: "The efficacy of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) oil and hypoglycemic drug combination to reduce HbA1c level in patients with metabolic syndrome risk."

Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases: "Cumin extract for symptom control in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a case series."

Neuroscience Letters: "Effects of the fruit essential oil of Cuminum cyminum L. on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced conditioned place preference in mice."

Organic Facts: "Cumin: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects."

Pharmacognosy Journal: "Cuminum cyminum – A Popular Spice: An Updated Review."

PLoS One: "Biochemical Composition and Untargeted Metabolomics of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Make It Promising Functional Food and Help in Mitigating Salinity Stress."