5 Benefits of Farro—A Healthy and Nutritious Ancient Grain

Medically Reviewed on 7/19/2022
5 Benefits of Farro
Farro consists of several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Farro is a type of whole grain that is used for describing these three ancient wheat grains:

  1. Einkorn
  2. Emmer
  3. Spelt

In the United States, farro generally refers to emmer wheat.

Farro is an ancient grain that is gaining popularity due to its healthy nutritional profile.

5 health benefits of farro

Some of the health benefits of farro include:

  1. Improves digestive health
    • Farro is a remarkable source of fiber. Just one cup of whole-grain farro can provide 20 percent of the daily recommended fiber intake.
    • Fiber helps regulate the digestive system in the following ways:
      • Enhances the passage of food through the intestine
      • Boosts gut health by feeding good bacteria in the gut
      • Relieves constipation by adding bulk to your stools
      • Hence, it is no surprise that farro improves your digestion and can help relieve issues such as indigestion and constipation
  2. Maintains a healthy weight
    • Some ways in which farro can help with weight loss or maintain a healthy weight are as follows:
      • High in protein and fiber, which keep you satiated for a longer time
      • Has a low glycemic index, meaning that it is digested gradually, causing a slow increase in the blood sugar level, providing energy throughout the day
      • Fewer cravings for sweets caused by unstable blood sugar
      • Although there haven’t been any official studies that have reported the effects of farro on body weight, it has several properties that may help with weight loss.
  3. High in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
    • Farro consists of several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which include:
      • Vitamin B3 (niacin): Manages cholesterol
      • Zinc: Plays a key role in the immune system
      • Magnesium: Improves muscle and nerve function
      • Iron: Essential for generating hemoglobin
    • Antioxidants can play a vital role in the prevention of chronic diseases including cancer. Some of the antioxidants present in a high amount in farro include:
      • Carotenoids
      • Flavonoids
      • Ferulic acid
    • Antioxidants lower inflammation and destroy free radicals causing oxidative damage.
  4. Heart-healthy grain
    • Because farro is rich in fiber, it is beneficial in preventing various cardiovascular diseases by lowering cholesterol levels.
    • Individuals who consume more fiber have a lower death rate caused by cardiovascular diseases.
    • Certain antioxidants present in farro may exert heart-protecting effects. However, more research is required to prove this claim.
  5. Higher in protein than other grains
    • Farro is an excellent source of protein with one-fourth cup of farro providing six grams of protein.
    • Combining farro with legumes or other protein-rich food can provide the daily recommended protein to the individual.
    • Because protein is associated with several health benefits, farro can be an excellent protein source for vegetarians. Some of the benefits include:
      • Gaining muscle mass
      • Narrower waistline
      • Keeps you satiated for a longer time
      • Protects the heart
      • Reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol

What are some characteristics of farro?

Some of the characteristics of farro or emmer wheat include:

  • Highly nutritious
  • The unique nutty and sweet flavor
  • Slightly larger and longer than barley grain
  • Similar chewy consistency when cooked
  • Not gluten-free but relatively lower in gluten than other types of wheat
  • Primarily produced in Italy

Farro should be avoided in people with gluten sensitivity. Moreover, limit the portion of farro to prevent overindulging in carbohydrates.

What are the nutritional facts of farro?

Some of the nutritional facts of farro include:

  • Farro is an excellent source of
    • Iron
    • Magnesium
    • Fiber
  • Farro grains deliver a good amount of vitamins A, C, and E, and B vitamins.

Nutrients per serving

A one-fourth cup serving of farro contains the following:

Table. The nutritional content of farro (one-fourth of a cup)
Nutrient Amount
Calories 140
Protein 6 grams
Total carbohydrates 30 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Sodium 25 mg

How can you add farro to your diet?

Some ways to incorporate farro into your diet include:

  • Add to your salads, soups, stews, risottos, or casseroles
  • Fry it like rice
  • As the base of a burrito bowl
  • Cook like pasta
  • Make a breakfast bowl by including apple, cranberries, and hazelnuts
  • Serve with grilled fish on top
  • Tossed into a salad


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Medically Reviewed on 7/19/2022
Image Source: iStock image



