8 Impressive Health Benefits of Cherries

Medically Reviewed on 6/16/2022
8 Impressive Health Benefits of Cherries
Here are 8 benefits of cherries and what makes them so good for you

Cherries are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols, making them excellent for your health. Here are 8 benefits of cherries and what makes them so good for you.

8 health benefits of cherries

1. Improves eyesight

Cherries contain 18% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to producing collagen—a protein that provides structure to the eyes. Many studies suggest that vitamin C may prevent cataracts and the progression of vision loss.

Vitamin A also prevents oxidative damage, which can help protect eye health, although research is still underway to investigate how the antioxidant function of vitamin A works.

2. Strengthens immunity

Vitamin C builds stronger immunity against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections and can help protect you against:

3. Improves sleep quality

Cherries contain melatonin, which regulates your sleep cycle. However, in order to get the desired effect on melatonin on sleep quality, you need to consume cherries in concentrated juice form. 

4. Aids digestion

Cherries are both acidic and a rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which help the digestive process. Flavonoids in cherries stimulate gastric juices to break down food particles and bile, which is essential for the metabolism of fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

5. Improves brain function

Anthocyanins give cherries their bright red color and have been linked to better brain health, improving cognitive skills and memory. One study showed that drinking cherry juice for 12 weeks had the following benefits in older people with mild to moderate dementia:

  • Improved verbal fluency
  • Enhanced memory
  • Improved recall

6. Protects heart health

Cherries are high in potassium and other heart-protecting agents such as polyphenols that prevent cellular damage and inflammation. Potassium helps maintain a regular heartbeat and removes excess sodium from the body, thereby regulating blood pressure. Studies have shown a link between higher intake of polyphenols and a lower risk of heart diseases.

7. May reduce muscle soreness

Drinking cherry juice is an excellent way to combat muscle soreness associated with exercise. A study showed that athletes who drink cherry juice a few days before and after a marathon are less likely to suffer from muscle pain, soreness, and loss of stamina. Another study found that when runners drank cherry juice twice a day for a week, they faced fewer post-run complications, including muscle soreness and pain.

8. Reduces inflammation

Cherries are high in anti-inflammatory properties and can thus help reduce symptoms of gout and arthritis. A recent study conducted on a large population of people concluded that cherry extract reduced the attacks of sudden severe pain associated with gout. Cherries are also likely to decrease inflammation related to arthritis.

What is the nutritional value of cherries?

Table. Nutrients in 100 grams of raw cherries
Nutrient Value
Water 82.25 grams
Energy 63
Protein 1.06 grams
Total lipid (fat) 0.2 grams
Carbohydrates, by difference 16.01 grams
Fiber, total dietary 2.1 grams
Sugars, total including Nutrition Labeling and Education Act 12.82 grams
Calcium 13 mg
Iron 0.36 mg
Magnesium 11 mg
Phosphorus 21 mg
Potassium 222 mg
Zinc 0.07 mg
Copper 0.06 mg
Manganese 0.07 mg
Fluoride 2 µg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 7 mg
Thiamin 0.03 mg
Riboflavin 0.03 mg
Niacin 0.15 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.05 mg
Folate, total 4 µg
Choline, total 6.1 mg
Vitamin A, Retinol Activity Equivalents 3 µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.07 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 2.1 µg
Phytosterols 12 mg


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Medically Reviewed on 6/16/2022
Image Source: Getty image

WebMD. Do Cherries Have Health Benefits? https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-health-benefits-cherries

WebMD. Health Benefits of Cherries. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-cherries

Kelley DS, Adkins Y, Laugero KD. A Review of the Health Benefits of Cherries. Nutrients. 2018;10(3):368. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872786/

South Dakota Department of Health. Fruit & Veggies. https://healthysd.gov/tag/fruit-veggies/