Does Stevia Break a Fast?

Medically Reviewed on 9/28/2022
Does Stevia Break a Fast?
It is safe to consume stevia while fasting since it does not contain carbs or proteins.

Because stevia does not contain any carbohydrates or proteins that affect insulin secretion or blood glucose levels, it does not break your fast.

Intermittent fasting is the most popular diet trend followed worldwide. Fasting has various health benefits, such as weight loss, improved lifespan, and reduced cell inflammation.

The glycosides of stevia are not broken down in the small intestine. Because stevia does not affect the insulin response in the body, it does not affect your fasting.

What is stevia?

Stevia is a zero-calorie natural sweetener that is derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It is a plant native to Brazil and Paraguay.

The stevia plant is rich in natural compounds called glycosides that are made as the base component of steviol, with multiple glucose molecules linked to it. This makes steviol glycosides 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Stevia contains a natural plant molecule called glycoside that performs various functions, such as fighting against inflammation and oxidative stress.

Glycosides of stevia add sweetness without adding any calories to the diet. Although they vary from regular sugar and sweeteners, they are digested by gut bacteria into metabolites. These metabolites are excreted as feces or absorbed by the bloodstream and later excreted in the form of urine.

The body cannot absorb natural stevia; therefore, it is called a zero-calorie sweetener.

Intermittent fasting is the most popular diet trend followed by many people. Fasting has various health benefits, such as making your body flexible, helping in weight loss, and having a thinner body.

How is stevia processed in your body?

Carbohydrates in foods are broken down into simple glucose molecules and absorbed into the small intestine. These molecules then increase your blood sugar levels.

Glycosides of stevia are not broken down in the small intestine but are moved into the large intestine. The stevia glycoside is broken down into glucose molecules inside the large intestine. Gut bacteria do not absorb these molecules even if little amounts of glucose are absorbed. Instead, they are excreted either through feces or urine.

Stevia does not affect the insulin response or blood glucose levels.

Glycosides of stevia

  • Stevioside
  • Rebaudiosides A, C, D, E, and F
  • Steviolbioside
  • Dulcoside A

What are the nutritional values of stevia?

Five grams or one teaspoon of stevia contains:

Table. The nutritional content of stevia (1 tsp; 5 grams)
Nutrient Amount
Carbohydrates 1 gram
Fat 0 grams
Sodium 0 mg
Calories 0
Sugars 0 grams
Proteins 0 grams

How is stevia used?

Over 5,000 products use stevia as their ingredient worldwide. It is primarily used in Asian countries and South America. It is mainly used in the following products:

  • Ice creams
  • Desserts
  • Sauces
  • Yogurt
  • Soft drinks
  • Pickled foods
  • Bread
  • Chewing gum
  • Candies
  • Cakes
  • Seafood
  • Prepared foods


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5 health benefits of stevia

  1. Helps regulate diabetes: Stevia regulates blood sugar levels. Because it is a natural sweetener that does not have calories and increases blood sugar levels, it can be added as a sugar substitute for people with diabetes.
  2. Helps manage weight: There are various reasons for obesity, such as lack of physical activity and high food intake, fats, and sugars. The intake of added sugars contributes to 16 percent of the total calories in the American diet. Stevia contains zero calories and no sugar, which helps in weight loss.
  3. Pancreatic cancer: Stevia contains various sterols and antioxidants such as kaempferol. Various studies have reported that kaempferol helps reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer
  4. Blood pressure: Stevia contains a few glycosides that help dilate the blood vessels. They also help in increased excretion of sodium and urine output. Few studies have reported that the stevia plant has cardiotonic properties that help reduce blood pressure and regulate heartbeat. However, a few studies have reported that stevia does not affect blood pressure. Further research is required to confirm the effect of stevia on blood pressure.
  5. Children's diet: Stevia helps regulate obesity in children, as increased calories and added sugars are linked to obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Various stevia products are available in the market that contains low added sugars. This may allow children to eat foods such as sweets and drinks with zero calories while associated with a low-sugar diet.

What are the side effects of stevia?

It is safe to consume purified glycosides in recommended amounts, which means the FDA has approved that it is safe to consume stevia.

Significantly few people experience the side effects of stevia, such as:

According to the WHO, the acceptable dose is 4 mg of stevia per one kg weight.

Moreover, stevia is safe for pregnant women when consumed minimally.

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Medically Reviewed on 9/28/2022
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