Ellagic Acid: What Is It, How It Works, and Food Sources

Medically Reviewed on 9/29/2022
Ellagic Acid
Even though ellagic acids have various health benefits, they may cause side effects in certain people.

Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring polyphenol compound. The best sources of natural polyphenol compounds are vegetables and fruits. However, currently, supplements are available in pharmacies. 

Ellagic acid is available in free or linked form as polyols and sugars, containing tannins and ellagitannins.

Ellagic acid may have a role in the management of:

While there is a lack of evidence from research, anecdotal evidence in favor of ellagic acid is mounting.

Ellagic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and anticancer properties. In addition, ellagic acid blocks the enzyme that helps synthesize melanin (a type of skin pigment) and protects the skin from hyperpigmentation (melasma).

10 food sources containing ellagic acid

  1. Wild strawberries: Are considered the best sources of natural ellagic acids. The strawberries contain 10 times more ellagic acids than raspberries. Wild strawberry leaf tea is one of the good sources of ellagic acids.
  2. Raspberries: Their health benefits are linked to the increased amounts of ellagic acids. The tiny seeds of raspberry are rich sources of ellagic acid. Raspberries contain two times the amount of ellagic acid present in cultivated strawberries.
  3. Blackberries: The amount of ellagic acid in blackberries is almost equal to that of ellagic acid in raspberries.
  4. Cloudberries: Contain high amounts of ellagic acid. Cloudberries are primarily found in Northern Canada and Alaska.
  5. Exotic fruits in the Myrtaceae family: A few studies have reported that a higher level of ellagic acid is present in exotic fruits that belong to the Myrtaceae family. The amounts of ellagic acid in these fruits are higher than the amounts of ellagic acid present in cultivated strawberries.
    • The following are the exotic fruits of the Myrtaceae family:
      • Surinam cherries (which differ from regular cherries)
      • Cambuci
      • Jabuticaba
    • A few other fruits that contain limited amounts of ellagic acids are:
      • Camu-Camu
      • White guava
      • Red guava
  6. Pomegranate fruit: Contains low amounts of free ellagic acid compared to cultivated strawberries and raspberries.
  7. Walnuts: Have ellagic acids almost equal to those in cultivated strawberries. In addition, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are more beneficial for people who do not eat fish. Walnuts contain a good number of antioxidants that has various health benefits.
  8. Pecans: Contains slightly lower ellagic acid content but more than half the amount found in walnuts. However, all nuts are not considered a good source of ellagic acid apart from walnuts and pecans.
  9. Cranberries: Are considered superfoods because of their various health benefits. They protect against urinary tract infections and inhibit the growth of tumor cells that cause oral, breast, colon, and prostate cancer. However, they contain minimal amounts of ellagic acids.
  10. Beef steak fungus: Also called ox tongue mushroom, a meaty mushroom that is unexpectedly the top source of ellagic acid. This beef steak fungus was used as a substitute for meat in earlier days. It is a red mushroom found primarily on oak and chestnut trees in Britain, Australia, North America, and Europe.


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How does ellagic acid work?

Studies report that the consumption of freeze-dried strawberry powder for four weeks lowered the lipid levels (total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels) in obese women with metabolic syndrome. Further research is needed to confirm this effect.

In another study, ellagic acid demonstrated potent anti-inflammatory effects and accelerated the resolution of inflammation.

  • Used for cancer treatment (claims to kill abnormal cancer cells in lab animals)
  • May help with melasma (the dark skin patches on the face) due to its antioxidant properties
  • May slow down dementia and memory loss seen in old age and enhance memory and thinking skills (cognitive function)

What are the side effects of ellagic acid?

Ellagic acid is a natural antioxidant available in various fruits, vegetables, and nuts. They are available as ellagitannins, which the body converts into ellagic acid.

Ellagic acids, when consumed from natural sources, are entirely safe. Supplements that contain ellagic acid may have a few side effects.

The label warns of these side effects caused by ellagic acid.

All acids block the enzymes that help metabolize various medications. So, this may alter the metabolism of drugs that you could be already taking.

Even though ellagic acids have various health benefits, take an expert opinion before starting the supplements. Hence, talk to your doctor before starting these supplements.

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Medically Reviewed on 9/29/2022
Image Source: Getty image

10 Foods That Contain Ellagic Acid in Significant Amounts. https://www.healwithfood.org/foods-that-contain/ellagic-acid-high-amounts.php

Ellagic Acid - Uses, Side Effects, and More. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1074/ellagic-acid

Bioavailability of ellagic acid in human plasma after consumption of ellagitannins from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4dr9f44f