Is Pedialyte Good for Adults, and Is It Better Than Gatorade?

Medically Reviewed on 10/24/2022

What is dehydration?

Staying hydrated is very important for your body. Adults can drink Pedialyte, but it is more of a rehydration drink for diarrhea-related dehydration while Gatorade is more suitable for exercise-induced dehydration.
Staying hydrated is very important for your body. Adults can drink Pedialyte, but it is more of a rehydration drink for diarrhea-related dehydration while Gatorade is more suitable for exercise-induced dehydration.

Staying hydrated is very important for your body, especially after physical activity in hot weather. Pedialyte is a drink that helps you rehydrate and refuel. Parents usually give it to children as an oral rehydration solution (ORS). But there are some benefits of Pedialyte for adults as well. 

Throughout the day, you keep losing water through sweat. You may also lose water while doing physical activities or if you have a condition like diarrhea. This reduces your body’s normal water content, leading to dehydration. Dehydration happens when you don’t drink enough fluid to replace the water, sugars, and salts you lose from your body. Lack of fluids can disturb the balance of electrolytes or minerals in your body and affect how it functions.

Anyone can get dehydrated. Babies and older people are sensitive to fluid loss and need to keep drinking fluids to stay hydrated. People with diarrhea, diabetes, or alcoholism are also prone to dehydration. Also, athletes lose a lot of fluids through sweat when exercising. 

If you notice these signs of dehydration, you need to hydrate immediately:

How to treat dehydration?

If you're dehydrated, drink fluids like water, diluted squash, or fruit juice. You can also take ORS to restore electrolytes in your body.

Babies and children who are dehydrated can’t have water alone for hydration. They have low levels of electrolytes in their body. Drinking too much water can dilute the electrolytes and cause health problems. So, they are given diluted squash or rehydration solutions. Rehydration solutions help you replenish your body fluids. They contain sugars or glucose and sodium and potassium salts to restore your electrolyte balance.

Various hydration products are available on the market, including hydration drinks like Pedialyte and Gatorade.

Research shows that hydration drinks like Pedialyte help people with dehydration retain fluids better. They contain carbohydrates and electrolytes like sodium and potassium in water, which improve fluid retention. They rehydrate you and restore optimal health faster than just water.

What is Pedialyte?

Pedialyte is a popular hydration drink brand in the U.S. It’s available at most grocery stores and pharmacies across America. Pedialyte’s hydration drinks have salts, sugar, minerals, and water to replace electrolytes and prevent dehydration. It is often used as dehydration treatment in babies and infants with diarrhea or vomiting

There are several Pedialyte products available on the market. The most commonly available one is called Pedialyte Classic, a ready-to-drink, fruit-flavored hydration beverage available in a bottle. It is also available without any flavor. 

Other drinks include Pedialyte Advanced Care, Pedialyte Sport, and Pedialyte Organic, which have different concentrations of electrolytes. The brand also offers frozen popsicles and stick packs, which come in powder form and must be mixed with water.

What does Pedialyte contain?

About 355 milliliters or 12 ounces of Pedialyte contains:

  • 35 calories
  • 9 grams of carbohydrates
  • 9 grams of added sugar
  • 370 milligrams of sodium
  • 280 milligrams of potassium

Additionally, it includes ingredients like dextrose or glucose, citric acid, and other minerals, like zinc. It also contains natural and artificial fruit flavors, artificial sweeteners like sucralose and acesulfame potassium, and artificial food coloring. 

Is Pedialyte for adults?

Pedialyte is not just for kids. Adults can also use it. If you’re at a high risk of dehydration, drinking Pedialyte can be a great way to prevent it. Pedialyte is also used as a replacement for sports drinks, a remedy for muscle cramping, and a cure for hangovers. So, adults are using Pedialyte more often for these off-label reasons.

Research shows that hydration drinks with glucose, fructose, and sodium can improve athletic performance. Pedialyte contains these ingredients and matches up to traditional sports drinks with twice the amount of sodium electrolytes. So, it not only hydrates you but may also improve your athletic performance.


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Pedialyte vs. Gatorade

Pedialyte and Gatorade are both popular hydration drinks. Gatorade is sold as a sports drink to replenish fluids and energy post-workout or after physical activity. It is more suitable for exercise-induced dehydration. But Pedialyte is mainly sold as a rehydration drink for diarrhea-related dehydration.

The two drinks differ in ingredients and concentrations. Pedialyte contains more sodium and electrolyte content than Gatorade. But Gatorade has more calories, carbohydrates, and sugar than Pedialyte. However, Pedialyte contains artificial sweeteners like sucralose and acesulfame potassium, which Gatorade doesn’t have.

Gatorade’s high carbohydrate and calorie levels are not suitable for people with diarrhea or vomiting. But it is better suited for physically active people or those undergoing strength or endurance training. It acts as a quick energy source and maintains glycogen or energy stores in the muscles to prevent tiredness.

What are the risks of having Pedialyte?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), rehydration solutions must have low electrolyte content. It allows more fluid absorption by the body. Research shows that the electrolyte contents of both Pedialyte and Gatorade are higher than the limit. High levels of electrolytes can cause stomach upset, nausea, and increased levels of sodium in the body.

Apart from this, certain ingredients in Pedialyte can have side effects. They include:

Citric acid. Studies show that manufactured citric acid in foods and beverages can lead to inflammation and related conditions. If consumed regularly in large quantities, it can lead to respiratory problems, joint pain, irritable bowels, muscle pain, and tiredness.

Artificial food dyes. Strawberry-flavored Pedialyte contains artificial food dyes like Red 40. Evidence suggests that some artificial dyes like Red 40 may be contaminated with cancer-causing or carcinogenic substances. Having large amounts of this dye may increase your risk of developing cancer.

Artificial sweeteners. Research shows that the artificial sweetener sucralose decreases sugar uptake by cells resulting in insulin sensitivity and high blood sugar. A study in mice showed that another artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium can affect the good bacteria in the gut and cause weight gain.

Natural alternatives to Pedialyte

Some natural electrolyte drinks may be healthier alternatives to Pedialyte and other rehydration drinks. You can have coconut water instead of Pedialyte. It is rich in natural electrolytes. You can also have fresh juices or smoothies with watermelon, spinach, celery, and bananas, which are rich in minerals. Pickle juice is another alternative that contains salts. But you may want to dilute it before you drink it. 

Pedialyte is good for quick hydration, especially if you have diarrhea. But the alternatives may be better for long-term use, as they are completely natural and free from artificial dyes and sweeteners.

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Medically Reviewed on 10/24/2022

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "From pedialyte to popsicles: a look at oral rehydration therapy used in the United States and Canada," "Sucralose decreases insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects: a randomized controlled trial."

Illuminate Labs: "Is Pedialyte Actually Healthy? An Ingredient Review."

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health: "Toxicology of food dyes."

NHS inform: "About dehydration," "Treating dehydration."

Nutrients: "Osmolality of Commercially Available Oral Rehydration Solutions: Impact of Brand, Storage Time, and Temperature," "Role of Functional Beverages on Sport Performance and Recovery," "The Beverage Hydration Index: Influence of Electrolytes, Carbohydrate and Protein."

Oschner Health: "Pedialyte for Adult Rehydration: Does It Really Work?"

PloS One: "The artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium affects the gut microbiome and body weight gain in CD-1 mice."

Toxicology Reports: "Potential role of the common food additive manufactured citric acid in eliciting significant inflammatory reactions contributing to serious disease states: A series of four case reports."