The 12 Most Common Dietary Restrictions

Medically Reviewed on 9/8/2022
12 Most Common Dietary Restrictions
Many chronic health disorders can be greatly improved by diet.

Dietary limitations have always been in society, but they appear to be much more popular these days because many people choose to restrict or skip some meals for personal health or wellness.

Dietary restrictions usually occur for a number of reasons, such as:

Many chronic health disorders can be greatly improved by diet, with the appropriate combination of foods. When it comes to selecting the healthiest diet, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Various disorders require different diets.

It could be worth changing your eating and nutrition habits to improve your health.

12 common dietary restrictions

  1. Vegetarian and vegan diets
    • Though most vegetarians avoid meat, chicken, and fish, some do incorporate eggs or dairy products. Vegans, however, do not consume any animal products.
    • It is generally a long-term lifestyle choice for people who eschew meat and other animal products, informed by ideas about animal rights, environmental issues, health concerns, or religious and spiritual beliefs.
    • Though vegans and vegetarians may prepare nutritionally balanced meals at home that contain all the nutrients they require, social events that do not consider vegetarians' or vegans’ requirements can be more difficult to manage.
    • People who do not consume meat benefit from having a plant-based protein choice, such as dairy, beans, tofu, nuts, and seeds.
  2. Halal
    • When an animal (or its meat) is killed or processed following Islamic law. This meat must be halal certified, and Muslims do not eat pork for religious reasons.
    • Halal cuisine could be one of the most popular religious diets these days.
    • Halal is Arabic for permissible, and it refers to food that follows Islamic law as it is established in the Koran.
    • A highly precise slaughter process must be followed to certify the meat as halal.
  3. Kosher or Kashrut
    • Jewish dietary regulations and strict techniques of animal slaughter.
    • Kosher foods are those recognized by Jewish law as suitable for eating or drinking. This diet has numerous precise restrictions that might include the food consumed (meat, dairy, etc.) and the way they are prepared. 
    • These kinds of meals can be expensive to prepare.
  4. Celiac disease and gluten-free
    • Gluten is a protein that is mostly found in wheat, barley, and rye. Celiac disease is an autoimmune illness induced by gluten consumption.
    • Gluten intolerance is sometimes mistaken for celiac disease or food allergies.
    • Gluten intolerance symptoms include gas, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea. Gluten avoidance is needed in both Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
    • Gluten is prevalent in many meals and is sometimes a hidden element in culinary preparations, thus gluten must be avoided with caution.
    • Gluten and wheat-free meals are quite popular right now, and people frequently mention these dietary requirements for one of two reasons.
    • Some people avoid wheat or gluten for personal health and well-being, whereas others may have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
    • It is critical to distinguish between foods that are wheat or grain-free and those that are genuinely gluten-free while preparing.
  5. Lactose Intolerant
    • A condition in which a person is unable to adequately digest the lactose (sugar) found in dairy products.
    • Many individuals avoid dairy by choice or due to an allergy or intolerance.
    • These dietary requirements should be carefully evaluated while preparing foods.
  6. Food allergies
    • A disorder of the body's immunological response to certain dietary proteins. Food allergy symptoms can range from minor to severe. Anaphylaxis is the most serious allergic response.
    • Though any food can induce an allergic response, the big 8 foods account for over 90 percent of all allergy reactions in the United States: milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and wheat.
    • These things are often concealed elements in food, and particular care must be taken to avoid them.
    • Many schools prohibit students from eating peanuts or other nuts.
    • It is critical to constantly label nuts or nut products as possible allergens, and you may exclude them entirely from your menu.
  7. Diabetes diet
    • People with diabetes have difficulties maintaining healthy blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or resistance or both.
    • You must exercise extreme caution while consuming sugary meals.
    • Berries, leafy greens, fatty fish, eggs, almonds, avocados, and beans are among the most popular diabetes-friendly foods.
    • A diabetes diet differs among people based on the kind and severity, personal history, and specific dietary requirements.
    • Based on calorie guidelines, meal planning is determined by the serving size of carbs in each meal.
    • Carbohydrate quantities are strictly limited, and small snacks could be included in the meal plan.
    • Starches, starchy vegetables, juice, and sweets are usually limited or excluded.
  8. Low-sodium diets
    • Though an average American diet contains about 3,400 mg of salt per day, most people should consume closer to 2,300 mg of sodium per day.
    • People on a low-sodium diet should limit their salt consumption to 1,500 mg per day. Low-sodium diets are recommended for those who have high blood pressure, renal disease, liver disease, or heart problems, among other health conditions.
  9. Paleo diet
    • Based on foods that were consumed by early humans.
    • The food options include mostly meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, with no dairy or grain products or processed foods.
    • You will have no issue finding anything on the menu on the paleo diet as long as you know your meat and vegetable choice that is not slathered in cheese, sauce, butter, etc.
  10. Raw food
    • Consists of uncooked and unprocessed foods. Raw food diet followers generally consume vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.
    • Because raw meat is frequently dangerous to consume, adherents obtain their protein from raw eggs (which aren’t safe as well), legumes, almonds, dairy, and sushi-grade fish.
    • They focus on natural foods, but they do not cook and typically do not consume meat.
    • People who follow this diet do not exceed 118 °F cooking temperature. Ingredients should be unrefined, unpasteurized, raw, and pesticide-free.
  11. Cholesterol-restricted diet
    • Restricts the consumption of red meat, poultry, fried meals, egg yolks, and whole milk products. Saturated fat and trans fatty acid-rich foods, such as palm kernel and coconut oil, margarine, and shortening, are restricted.
    • Skim milk, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are part of the diet.
  12. Renal diet
    • Carefully prepared with nutrients in mind and frequently gets changed as kidney disease worsens.
    • Could be used to try to delay the progression of renal failure.
    • The components of the diet may vary depending on the inclusion of dialysis in the treatment regimen.
    • Based on the renal function tests including electrolyte levels, the doctor may suggest limiting various foods.
    • This diet is typically low in sodium, phosphorus, and protein.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

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Medically Reviewed on 9/8/2022
Image Source: Getty images

Food restrictions and allergies.

Dietary Restrictions, Food Allergies, and Religious Restrictions.

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