What Age Is Okay to Start Lifting Weights?

Medically Reviewed on 3/23/2022
What age is OK to start lifting weights
While there is no set age for lifting weights, studies have shown that people can effectively start resistance training as young as seven to eight years old.

Most studies and research suggest that people can start lifting weight when they are seven to eight years old. However, this depends on the general health, including the presence of enough physical strength and coordination. These factors decide whether the youngster is ready to participate in strength training. Thus, there is no set age for lifting weights.

  • According to studies, children can begin lifting weights when they show comprehension, the capacity to fully follow directions, retain balance, and the ability to do the exercising techniques correctly. This usually happens when the child is seven to eight years old.
  • Most medical specialists do not see any problem with people lifting weights. Many practitioners actively promote it, referring to it as the "Holy Grail" of weight loss and improved body composition.
  • However, gyms require users to be at least 16 years old to use their facilities. The concern is that children might not understand how to operate the machines, which increases the risk of injury.

What are the benefits of kids lifting weights?

At whatever age your child begins weightlifting, the first year should be spent learning proper exercise techniques, form, and creating a general fitness foundation.

Strength training, such as weightlifting, has definite benefits

  • Muscle strength and endurance are increased
  • Keeps your child's muscles and joints safe from damage
  • Improves performance in almost any sport, including dancing and gymnastics, as well as football and basketball
  • Improves confidence, stamina, and focus

Even if your child is not into sports, strength training can still be good because it does the following:

  • Strengthens bones
  • Promotes healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Helps keep a healthy weight
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Teaches kids about self-discipline

Because kids should always be monitored, the first rule of thumb for parents is to seek out a knowledgeable youth coach. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, when kids are not monitored, the risk of injury increases due to not following their program properly.

To be safe and effective, your child should learn adequate warm-up and cooldown techniques. Exercise bands, body weight, and free weights are safe and effective methods of resistance. It is recommended that interested children complete two to three strength training workouts per week, with at least one full rest day in between.


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Fundamentals of losing weight at any age

Burning calories

  • The method of burning calories is the first step to understanding how weight loss occurs.
  • Calories are provided by food, and they are burned by any activity, including exercise, walking, and even breathing.
  • The first step is to determine how many calories you need to maintain your weight (depending on your age, height, weight, and activity levels), and then, modify your exercise and food plans accordingly.

Manage metabolic conditions

  • Thyroid issues have been observed in up to one out of every five people older than 40 years. One of the main reasons why people older than 40 years cannot lose weight is hypothyroidism.
  • This gland produces hormones to regulate metabolism, and when it is inactive, everything else goes haywire.
  • If you have thyroid issues, see your doctor and request suitable medicines, nutrition, and exercise.

Adjust eating habits

  • Your metabolism tends to slow down as you age, and it is critical to alter your dietary habits accordingly.
  • Choose healthy foods over fried, sugary, greasy items that are high in empty calories and trigger insulin spikes.
  • Green vegetables, whole grains, and protein keep you full and lessen your proclivity to binge eat.

Time meals with the body's natural rhythms

  • Eat a substantial breakfast. What you eat first thing in the morning, when your metabolism is at its peak, is far more likely to be used efficiently.
  • A filling breakfast will keep you satisfied until lunchtime and help you resist the impulse to snack between meals.
  • As you do not need much energy at night, go for a modest, low-carbohydrate dinner.

Make muscles your ally

  • Muscle mass is known to decline after the age of 40 years due to a reduction in exercise levels and hormonal changes.
  • Incorporating resistance and strength training into your program is essential for muscle building and retention, as well as allowing you to eat more without gaining weight.
  • Joining a gym and practicing basic compound lifts or even using the internet's vast resources to discover effective workouts you can do at home can help you lose weight well after prime age.

Don’t avoid sleeping at night

  • Sleep becomes more difficult with age. It is not just because you are busy and more stressed, but also because you have a variety of physical concerns, ranging from back discomfort to snoring and night sweats, which can interfere with having a decent night's sleep.
  • Recent studies have demonstrated that a lack of sleep is directly related to weight gain because of two hormones, leptin, and ghrelin, which control hunger and satiety or feeling full.
  • Enough sleep is required for proper metabolism and building muscles.

Is it difficult to lose weight after a certain age?

Most people aged 40 to 50 years, who are attempting to lose weight, see that the diet and physical activity that formerly worked has suddenly ceased functioning. This physiological change happens as a direct result of altered hormone levels. These alterations indicate a slowing of metabolism.

Stress levels, responsibilities, diet, sleep quality, and a variety of other factors will influence outcomes. However, these can affect outcomes at any age. It is possible to lose weight at any age with correct tactics, guidance, appropriate diet, and exercise.

Tips for weight loss

It is critical to avoid expecting immediate effects because losing weight and being fit takes time.

  • Cutting out all sugar and exercising for hours each day may help you lose weight, but there is only so much you can take before giving up and losing all your progress. 
  • Take small steps, include cheat days, exercise a few days per week, and do not give up.

Slowly but steadily, you will notice a difference, and your lifestyle will have altered to allow you to get and stay fit.

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Medically Reviewed on 3/23/2022
Image Source: iStock Images

Slater V. How soon is too soon for my child to lift weights? Slater. https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/youth-weight-lifting

Stricker PR. Weight Training: Age and Development. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/fitness/Pages/Weight-Training-Age-and-Development.aspx

WebMD. 14 Ways to Shed Pounds After 40. https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-lose-weight-after-40