What Are the 9 Rules of Losing Weight?

Weight Loss - The Basics
Learn the 9 rules of losing weight to help you burn more body fat and succeed in your weight loss goals.

Sustained long-term weight loss should be viewed as a lifelong commitment. For weight loss to be effective, one must make gradual, permanent changes to their current lifestyle. The best and safest way to lose weight is to limit high-calorie foods, choosing lower-calorie alternatives and cutting down on food portion sizes. Avoid fad diets and crash dieting.

The 9 best rules for weight loss

  1. Stay hydrated
    • The stomach can communicate directly with the brain's hunger control center. When special receptors in the stomach are stimulated by the incoming food or fluid, they send signals to the brain, causing any further hunger signals to be suppressed.
    • To capitalize on this phenomenon, drink calorie-free fluids throughout the day, especially before and after meals (lemon water, sparkling water, unsweetened tea or plain cold water, green tea)
    • Although daily hydration needs vary depending on weight, activity level, and climate, a good rule of thumb is to drink half an ounce to an ounce of water for every pound of your current weight.
  2. Change eating habits
    • To help control hunger, eat three balanced meals per day. Do not skip any meals, including breakfast.
    • Eat small servings of a variety of foods and be mindful of portion sizes.
    • Eat slowly and try not to multitask while eating.
    • Find other ways to divert attention away from food when hungry (such as walking).
  3. Create your calorie deficit plan
    • To lose weight and fat, you must burn more calories than you consume each day. Consume nutritiously and filling foods high in protein and fiber.
    • High protein and fiber in foods (such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, nut butter, lentils, legumes) help keep the body full for longer, lowering overall calorie intake.
    • Consume good carbohydrates (for energy) and fat (for essential fatty acids and assimilation of vitamins A, D, E, and K).
    • To create a calorie deficit, practice portion control while making wise choices.
  4. Include more protein in the diet
    • According to research, protein is extremely effective for weight loss and improves body composition. Eating more protein may result in increased fat burning and metabolism.
    • Science suggests that protein has a thermic (calorie burning) effect, which as a result, it can assist the body to burn more calories while sleeping.
    • Furthermore, protein is the most filling nutrient, so eating more of it may result in consuming less food.
  5. Exercise often
    • Exercising increases metabolism and helps burn calories. The key to getting the most out of exercise is to do it regularly. Look for fun activities that help break a sweat.
    • Choosing fun workouts helps people look forward to exercising. Exercise routines that are monotonous and feel like a chore should be avoided.
  6. Be physically active
    • Regular physical activity, in addition to regular exercise, is essential. This is because exercising for only one hour per day and remaining physically inactive for the rest of the day will not aid in fat or weight loss.
    • For every 30 minutes of sitting, take a three-minute walk or stand by distributing your weight evenly on both feet (without leaning).
    • This is an efficient way to break up long periods of sitting while also increasing physical activity.
  7. Daily discipline in diet
    • Maintaining a carefully selected diet is the most important rule.
    • Ensure that this diverse menu consists entirely of foods that do not jeopardize weight loss efforts.
    • Have a variety of options at each meal but keep them all healthy and within the same nutrient and caloric range for weight loss.
  8. Allow a cheat day
    • Allow a cheat day occasionally if on the right track to losing weight. The best way to approach a cheat day is to figure out what works for you.
    • While a single-day binge can be beneficial for some people, indulging in smaller portions of favorite foods on occasion could be more sustainable in the long run for others.
  9. Sleep is as important as diet and exercise
    • The quality of sleep is just as important as the quantity. Sleep deprivation can make people feel sluggish and increase food cravings. 
    • One of the fundamental rules to follow is to get enough sleep based on age.

Weight loss is about doing the right things and avoiding the wrong ones. Ensure that whatever methods you use to follow are long-lasting. Something that you cannot keep up with for the rest of your life is not worth doing in the first place and will not be effective in the long run.

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WebMD. How to Lose Weight Safely. https://www.webmd.com/diet/lose-weight-fast#1

BetterHealth. Weight loss and fad diets. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/weight-loss-and-fad-diets

101 Fitness. The 10 Rules of Weight Loss That You Must Follow. https://www.101fitness.org/en/the-10-rules-of-weight-loss-that-you-must-follow/