What Are the Benefits of Drinking Tea With Milk?

Medically Reviewed on 8/26/2022
Benefits of Drinking Tea With Milk
Adding milk to tea will have greater benefits when consumed in moderate quantities.

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a sub-tropical, evergreen plant native to Asia. It is a combination of hot water and tea leaves and is generally consumed with or without milk. Some people who have sensitivity toward milk products choose not to add milk to their tea.

The antioxidants present in tea and the various nutrients in milk, such as proteins, calcium, and potassium, provide better health benefits.

Tea can help you kick start the day. Add ginger and cardamon for flavor and health benefits. You can have milk tea in moderate amounts daily because it does not have a severe impact on sleep cycles and other daily activities. Avoid high amounts of sugar in your tea.

The origins of milk tea are certainly not restricted to a particular culture, but the British had a great influence in adding milk to tea. The popular Indian “chai” tea is made by adding milk to tea and has been influenced by the British. Bubble and masala chai teas are famous types of milk tea and are popular throughout the world.

Add milk to tea because

  1. Adding milk will have greater benefits when consumed in moderate quantities. Many add several other ingredients, such as ginger, cardamom, holy basil leaves, or cloves, which have great benefits.
  2. Tea tastes a little bitter and dry, which is called astringency. Adding milk or any sort of dairy to tea mellows and smoothens the flavor of the tea.

5 health benefits of having tea with milk

  1. Provides strength to the body: Tea is rich in antioxidants, and milk is rich in calcium, potassium, and vitamins D and B12, which are important for healthy bones and muscles.
  2. Great source of energy: A glass of milk gives you a lot of energy, and the carbs and other contents of milk help boost your energy levels.
  3. Improve skin health: Having milk or low-fat milk in moderation have great results on the skin. Essential fats and antioxidants present in the milk improve skin health, provide glowing skin, and prevent early aging.
  4. Stress reliever: Milk tea has antidepressant effects due to the presence of nutrients, such as tryptophan, which help enhance mood and memory and reduce stress. Milk tea has caffeine that refreshes the body. It may trigger anxiety when taken in excess.
  5. Effective for weight loss: The fats in the milk help gain weight and the polyphenols and caffeine present in tea help lose weight.

How to make milk tea


  • Milk: 1 cup.
  • Tea leaves: 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar: 1 or 2 teaspoons (optional).
  • Water: ¼ cup.


  • In a vessel, bring water to a boil.
  • Add tea leaves and turn off the heat.
  • Let it brew for 2 to 3 minutes, and then strain.
  • Add warm milk and mix well.
  • Serve.

Several types of tea are found throughout the world, such as masala chai, Hong Kong tea, boba tea, Bubble milk tea, and Thai iced tea.


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5 possible side effects of milk tea

  1. Gastric problems: Milk tea is made with dairy, which can cause bloating, gas, and indigestion. Caffeine present in tea can dehydrate your body and leads to constipation.
  2. Sleep disturbances: Milk tea contains caffeine, which results in difficulty sleeping. Adding sugar to this drink can even make the condition worse.
  3. Weight gain: Milk tea contains significant amounts of fats and sugars. The fats and sugars present in milk tea may result in weight gain.
  4. Anxiety: Overdose of milk tea results in chemical imbalances in the brain and triggers anxiety or mood disturbances.
  5. Other side effects are:

Milk tea has great health benefits, mood-uplifting capabilities, and limited downsides. Avoid adding sugar to tea to reap all its benefits.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/26/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Milk Won't Milk Tea Benefits. https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/news/20070611/milk-wont-milk-tea-benefits%20

Chapter 12: Health Benefits of Tea. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92768