What Are the Benefits of Eating Figs?

fig fruits
The benefits of fig fruits include a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants that aid in the treatment of a variety of conditions.

The fig fruit has a long history of being a potent and nutritious food with a variety of health benefits, including the treatment of:

Fresh figs can also help you regain weight quickly and healthily following an illness.

Figs contain these nutrients

Figs are high in nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium, chlorine, and dietary fiber.

  • Pectin, found in figs, can absorb cholesterol and help excrete it from the body.
  • They are high in fiber, which nutritionists claim can help prevent certain malignancies. Fiber may make the body feel full and is beneficial for weight loss. They encourage regular bowel motions and prevent constipation.
  • Figs are high in antioxidants that scavenge free radicals, which can damage DNA and other biological systems, contributing to the development of cancer, heart disease, and the physical indications of aging.
  • Dried figs contain more calcium than any other fruit. Just a quarter cup contains 100 mg of calcium. The calcium content of dried figs can help improve nail health, calm nerves and strengthen bones without causing any negative side effects.
  • Dried figs contain enough potassium to help lower blood pressure. Potassium works as a vasodilator, reducing the strain on blood vessels and arteries. It reduces the likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis by lowering the likelihood of coronary heart disease.
  • Using figs can help the skin look younger and more radiant. Their high omega-3 fatty acid content nourishes the skin, fights signs of aging, and reduces acne flares. Figs can keep skin moisturized because of their anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • A dried fig may contain two percent of the daily iron requirement. Iron is a vital mineral that transports hemoglobin throughout the body. Eating figs is a natural way to indirectly increase hemoglobin levels in the body, especially in anemic patients.
  • Figs are a good option to add to the diet for people with diabetes. Dietary fiber-rich figs promote slow sugar absorption and digestion in the body. This feature is recommended for people with type II diabetes and those at risk of developing type II diabetes.
  • Fruit-derived antioxidants are known to be more effective than vegetable-derived antioxidants, particularly when it comes to protecting eye health. To protect against yellow spot disease (macular degeneration), eat regular dried figs.
  • Fig juice has traditionally been used to treat coughs and colds. It probably has mucolytic properties.
  • According to medical studies, ethanolic extracts of fig leaves have a strong antipyretic action. Its action is said to be more effective than most commercial antipyretics because it lasts longer than five hours.
  • The high amount of vitamin B6 in figs raises the levels of serotonin, which is responsible for mood enhancement while lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Figs can help with insomnia. They contain the nutrient tryptophan. This promotes good sleep and assists the brain in properly utilizing sugars. It encourages and stimulates good circulation throughout the body.
  • Because figs are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they provide a sudden burst of energy or stamina, aiding in the prevention of issues, such as erectile dysfunction and a lack of stamina during intercourse. Figs are best consumed after being soaked in milk overnight to treat sexual problems.

Are there any side effects of eating figs?

The side effects of eating figs are:

  • Because figs contain a lot of fiber, eating too many of them can cause diarrhea.
  • Figs are high in calories, so eating a lot of them will not help lose weight.
  • Individuals who are allergic to rubber latex or birch pollen could be allergic to figs.
  • Figs contain a lot of vitamin K. People on blood-thinning medications should consult their doctor before incorporating it into their diet.
  • Applying fig leaves to the skin may make skin more sun-sensitive.

Can I eat figs during pregnancy?

Yes. Figs are one of the world's healthiest foods. It is primarily advised for pregnant women. In pregnancy, fig intake can provide numerous health benefits for the body's stability. However, they should not be taken in excess because it may lead to a drop in blood sugar levels in pregnant women.

Health Solutions From Our Sponsors

WebMD. Health Benefits of Figs. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-figs#1

Merschel M. Are Figs Good for You? American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/en/news/2021/08/05/are-figs-good-for-you-get-the-whole-sweet-story

Nagdeve M. Figs: Health Benefits & Nutrition. Organic Information Services. https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/health-benefits-of-figs-or-anjeer.html