What Are the Best Aphrodisiac Foods?

Medically Reviewed on 10/11/2022
Best Aphrodisiac Foods
People use aphrodisiac foods to increase libido and sexual pleasure.

Aphrodisiacs are natural foods or substances that stimulate sexual desire (libido) and pleasure. Aphrodisiac is derived from the Greek word Aphrodite, which refers to the Greek goddess of love. Animals, plants, and minerals are all sources of aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs are used for centuries to increase libido and performance and as natural remedies for erectile dysfunction (ED). They are classified into three types based on their mechanism of action:

  1. Boost potency
  2. Desire
  3. Sexual pleasure.

Research is underway to understand the efficacy of natural herbs and other natural foods that can help with ED management. Because natural foods cause fewer side effects unlike supplements available on the market, you are encouraged to include various aphrodisiac foods in your diet.

Do aphrodisiacs work?

Studies have reported that all pharmacologically active, aphrodisiac-potential medicinal herbs can be effective aphrodisiacs, and extraction of active components from these plants could be beneficial.

Researchers suggest that various aphrodisiac meals for women and men have traditionally been recognized as increased sexual satisfaction.

Aphrodisiacs are believed to increase potency, improve sperm quality, and stimulate libido in addition to providing pleasure. Improved cardiac health is essential for sexual stamina.

The American Heart Association recommends including foods that are heart-healthy, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Seafood
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Fiber
  • Heart healthy oils

15 best aphrodisiac foods

Although each food has unique enzymes and vitamins with distinct actions, the overall benefit stays consistent.

  1. Figs
    • Were regarded as a holy fruit by the ancient Greeks, representing love and fertility.
    • High in amino acids, which improve stamina.
    • Rich in iron, which is required in high amounts for healthy eggs and ovulation.
    • To lose weight in preparation for fertility treatment, include figs in your diet because they are high in fiber and keep you satisfied for longer.
    • Eat one fig before bed.
  2. Banana
    • High in simple carbohydrates, which improve energy levels and endurance.
    • Rich in potassium, which keeps you going and prevents muscular spasms in bed.
    • Research reports that bananas are just as efficient as energy drinks to boost energy.
    • Provide the body with essential antioxidants, vitamin B6, fiber, and other minerals.
  3. Hot peppers
    • Increase stamina.
    • Contain capsaicin, which is an active chemical that has several health advantages, including increased metabolism and blood flow.
    • Researchers report that spicy peppers boost energy expenditure, which is especially advantageous for those who wish to lose weight.
    • With greater energy, you may work out more and experience better endurance in bed and a confidence boost.
  4. Ginger
    • Increases blood flow, which is required for both male and female sexual desire and endurance.
    • Men require good blood circulation to have a strong and long-lasting erection.
    • Promotes heart health.
    • Everything nice for the heart is excellent for the penis.
  5. Watermelon
    • Researchers report that watermelon contains many phytonutrients, including lycopene and citrulline.
    • Known as nature's Viagra because it relaxes blood arteries like Viagra.
    • Researchers suggest that the relaxing effect may improve sex drive in women.
    • High in the amino acid, citrulline, which the body converts to l-arginine.
    • L-arginine is required for the creation of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and allows powerful erections.
    • Improves sexual performance.
    • The red hue and eating it with hands may contribute to its libido-boosting effect.
  6. Cinnamon
    • Helps lower blood pressure, enhances general alertness, and makes you feel comfortable.
    • High in manganese, which boosts male sexual desire.
    • Add it to your coffee, sweets, or even your vegetables.
  7. Maca
    • Treats fertility, arousal, and hot flashes.
    • Commonly taken in pill or powder form.
    • Researchers report a few promising trials that suggest it may benefit healthy menopausal women with sexual dysfunction and men with erectile dysfunction (ED).
    • More study is needed to establish the dosage but is generally deemed safe.
  8. Pomegranate
    • One of the most popular aphrodisiac foods for both men and women.
    • Can enhance sperm quality, motility, and sexual desire and even treat ED.
    • High in antioxidants and helps reduce oxidative stress in the body.
    • Helps regulate the body's testosterone and estrogen levels and female hormonal equilibrium.
    • Eat a bowl of pomegranate as a mid-morning snack.
  9. Pine nuts
    • Are used as a performance booster for decades.
    • Also called “vegan oysters” due to their high zinc content, which aids in testosterone synthesis.
    • The magnesium in pine nuts promotes sex desire, restores libido, and prevents pre-ejaculation.
    • The ideal way to consume pine nuts is to have seven nuts with milk before bed.
  10. Tuna fish
    • A wonderful source of energy before engaging in sexual activity.
    • One of the richest sources of vitamin B12, a micronutrient that is involved in several bodily functions.
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most frequent dietary deficits worldwide causing fatigue and weakness that persists even after enough rest.
  11. Red wine
    • Researchers report that moderate consumption of red wine is associated with greater sexual function ratings.
    • An aphrodisiac that works for both men and women.
    • Moderate consumption of red wine could be good for men's testosterone levels.
    • Drinking excessively may not provide the intended results.
  12. Oysters
    • One of the world's most well-known aphrodisiac meals.
    • Contain d-aspartic acid, a molecule that regulates testosterone and stimulates sexual desire.
    • Rich in zinc, which is an important mineral for sexual and reproductive health, particularly in men.
  13. Dark chocolate
    • One of the most popular aphrodisiacs.
    • Contains phenylethylamine, which is a moderate stimulant that might improve your mood.
  14. Ginseng
    • Asian and American versions of the ginseng plant improve libido and sexual function according to studies.
    • Researchers report that ginseng affects the central nervous system, modifying hormones in the process.
  15. Asparagus
    • A natural medication that can help cure prostate gland disorders.
    • Includes asparagine, a diuretic that helps maintain healthy bladder function and activity.
    • Its vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus content helps increase sexual drive and performance.


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow

Why do people resort to aphrodisiacs?

People use aphrodisiacs for several reasons, including increasing their attractiveness to sexual partners and sexual desire.

Aphrodisiacs are commonly used for the following reasons:

  • Make an impression on others: It is usual for men and women to use aphrodisiacs to catch the attention of possible sexual partners or increase their degree of sexual desire and interest.
  • Add spice to an established relationship: Some individuals feel that aphrodisiacs may revitalize an old relationship because they enhance attraction and stimulate a strong sex drive.
  • Increase sexual desire: Although research on the hormonal effects of most aphrodisiacs is limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that they can help elevate hormone levels and the level of enthusiasm for sex.
  • Increase healthy blood flow: Some natural aphrodisiacs may assist to widen blood vessels and improve healthy blood flow, which is an important part of male sexual function and performance.
  • Increase the intensity and pleasure of sex: Some used them to make sex more enjoyable or intense.
  • Treat sexual performance issues: Some aphrodisiacs are advertised to cure common male sexual performance issues, including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Scientific evidence for most natural aphrodisiacs is minimal, with few or no large-scale studies to back up most of these potential advantages.

See your healthcare professional before making changes in your diet regarding your sexual health. A doctor can investigate underlying medical concerns, provide advice or refer you to a sex therapist or counselor.

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Medically Reviewed on 10/11/2022
Image Source: Getty image

Learn Why These 10 Foods Are Edible Aphrodisiacs. https://www.pbs.org/food/the-history-kitchen/10-edible-aphrodisiacs/

Do Aphrodisiacs Really Work? https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-are-aphrodisiacs/

Foods that put you in the mood: Fact or fiction? https://www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/nourish/foods-that-put-you-in-the-mood-fact-or-fiction