What Do pH Balance Pills Do?

  • Medical Reviewer: Mahammad Juber, MD
Medically Reviewed on 10/5/2022

What Is a pH balance? 

A pH balance is a state of chemical balance in our bodies. pH balance pills are acidic or alkaline substances that move the number back toward the middle of the scale.
A pH balance is a state of chemical balance in our bodies. pH balance pills are acidic or alkaline substances that move the number back toward the middle of the scale.

If you want to stay healthy, your internal pH levels must be balanced. 

If this balance is offset, it can affect the function of your major organs, reproductive system, and digestive system. You may start showing symptoms that you may have never had before. 

Pills that claim to balance your pH levels are becoming more popular, but do they work, and should you take them? 

A pH balance is a state of chemical balance in our bodies. pH balance is measured on a scale ranging across two opposite chemical states, acidity and alkalinity. Maintaining a pH balance can also be described as keeping a healthy level of acid in your body.

The scale range is from one to 14. A proper balance between acid and alkaline factors will usually land you at an approximate 7.4. That number could vary slightly, though, depending on the system in your body that’s affected. 

If your doctor discovers a pH imbalance, they will often prescribe therapies or medication to steer the balance back to its natural state. That could mean prescribing acidic or alkaline medication to move the number back toward the middle of the scale. 

Symptoms of pH Imbalance

Imbalances in the pH system significantly affect your lungs and kidneys because these two systems moderate acid levels in your body the most. 

There are a few classifications for pH imbalance. You can experience four types of overall pH imbalance in your body: 

  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Metabolic alkalosis
  • Respiratory acidosis
  • Respiratory alkalosis

Symptoms of respiratory acidosis can include: 

Respiratory alkalosis symptoms can vary widely, but almost all cases include shortness of breath. 

Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis both have to do with an acid imbalance in the kidney. Symptoms are variable and may be caused by extreme cases of vomiting or diarrhea, excessive alcohol consumption, certain medications, or diuretics. 

The only way to know for sure if you’re suffering from a pH imbalance is to get tested by your doctor. 

Reproductive System Imbalances

Your reproductive system can also be affected by a pH imbalance and start to show symptoms. Women and men show different signs of pH imbalance. 

A pH imbalance in women can disrupt the balance of normal vaginal bacteria and yeast. An imbalance of these important factors can cause a range of symptoms and infections in the vagina. 

Symptoms of a bacterial infection in the vagina, also known as bacterial vaginosis (BV) can include: 

  • Thin, white or grayish vaginal discharge 
  • Changes in odor, particularly a fishy or foul smell
  • Itchiness around the vulva and vagina 
  • A burning feeling during urination 

Men can experience pH imbalances too. Balanitis is one condition that can occur when pH is imbalanced. It’s an inflammation of the penis that mostly affects uncircumcised men and boys under the age of five.

Symptoms of balanitis can include:

  • Unusual discharge
  • Pain during urination
  • Thick, whitish discharge from under the foreskin
  • Redness 

Diagnosing a pH Imbalance

Most pH imbalances are detected using the following tests: 

UrinalysisYour urine sample is analyzed to make sure you’re eliminating toxins properly and your kidneys are functioning well. 

Urine pH level test. Urine is tested for acidity and alkalinity levels. 

Basic metabolic panel (BMP). Tests for eight substances in your blood. They assess your general health and kidney function.  

Arterial blood gas (ABG). Tests of oxygen, carbon dioxide, acidity, and alkalinity levels in your blood. 

Treatments and pH Balance Pills 

Treating a pH imbalance is a serious matter. Imbalances in your acidity levels can have a serious effect on your health and should be treated by a doctor.

Common treatments for lung and kidney related pH imbalances include:

Some pills that contain sodium or claim to neutralize your pH levels are available over the counter. You should always talk to your doctor before taking any pills claiming to restore pH balance, though. 

It can be a risk to your health to interfere with the pH balance of your body without medical supervision. 

Imbalances of the reproductive system are usually conducted using a swab test. Your doctor or healthcare provider will take a sample of fluids from the affected area and send it to a laboratory to be examined. 

Antibiotics are typically prescribed, and the situation usually resolves after one course of the medicine. 

pH balance pills for women

Most of the pH balance pills on the market today are available over the counter. They’re most often marketed to women who want to maintain their health. They usually contain probiotics that could help with this. 

The vagina contains more than 50 kinds of “good” bacteria. A healthy person’s vagina can usually maintain this delicate balance. However, high hormone levels, foreign bacteria, menstrual cycle, hormone replacement therapy, and menopause can all affect the number and type of bacteria that populate the vagina. 

If the population of bacteria is changed for too long, infection can occur. pH balance pills claim to prevent imbalances and infections by depositing “good” bacteria into the vaginal area either via direct application (suppository) or oral consumption. 

There’s a small amount of research available that says feminine pH balance pills can indeed change the bacterial environment of the vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one type of bacteria that’s commonly included in supplements and that’s been shown to positively affect vaginal imbalance issues. 

Still, if you’re suffering from repeat infections, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor or health care provider about your options and what you might be able to change in order to prevent infections. 


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Medically Reviewed on 10/5/2022

Annals of Intensive Care: "Diagnosis and management of metabolic acidosis: guidelines from a French expert panel."

Cureus: "Pathophysiology, Evaluation, and Management of Metabolic Alkalosis."

F1000 Faculty Rev-1460: "Drug-Induced Metabolic Acidosis."

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases: "Vaginal Microbiota and the Use of Probiotics."

Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin: "Metabolische Azidose: Diagnostik und Therapie [Metabolic acidosis : Diagnosis and treatment]."

StatPearls: "Bacterial Vaginosis," "Balanitis," "Physiology, Acid Base Balance," "Respiratory Acidosis," "Respiratory Alkalosis."

Ulster Medical Journal: "Understanding Acid-Base Disorders."

USGS: "pH Scale."