What Foods Are High In Casein?

  • Medical Reviewer: Mahammad Juber, MD
Medically Reviewed on 10/7/2022

What is casein? 

Casein is a protein that's derived from milk. Foods high in casein include milk, cheese, cream, and other dairy products.
Casein is a protein that's derived from milk. Foods high in casein include milk, cheese, cream, and other dairy products.

Casein is a protein that’s derived from milk. This means that most dairy products contain casein. However, it can also be found in other products and is sometimes extracted from milk and used in protein powders. 

Check nutrition labels for ingredients like milk and other dairy products or for casein and caseinates to determine whether or not this protein is in your food.  

Casein is one of the two proteins found most commonly in milk. The other is whey. Milk is made up of about 3.5% protein. Around 80% of that protein is casein, and 20% is whey protein. 

The exact amount of casein found in milk depends on the animal breed that it’s coming from and the lactation stage that the animal is in. 

Proteins are an important part of your diet. They’re essential for building and maintaining muscle. They also contribute to bone strength and a large number of diverse bodily functions. 

Casein is a fantastic protein source for amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Casein contains all nine of the essential amino acids that you need to get from your diet. This is because your body is incapable of making them itself. 

The only amino acid that casein products may be low in is cysteine. You can look for additional protein products high in cysteine to balance this out. 

Casein is occasionally extracted from milk and used as an independent ingredient in a number of foods and protein-based dietary supplements. It also has some industrial applications, including use in the production of: 

  • Paper
  • Certain textiles
  • Paint
  • Leather

How is casein extracted?

There are two main ways to extract casein from milk. One way is to precipitate it from skim milk by adding in an acid. This acidification process creates a specific product called acid casein. 

Water soluble peptides made from this product are called caseinates. Peptides are smaller pieces of proteins that are also made of amino acids. 

You can also treat milk with rennet to create rennet casein. Once the casein protein has been precipitated from liquid milk into a solid form, it’s called a curd. These curds are separated from whey protein. Then, they're washed and dried to create a nearly pure protein product.    

What foods contain casein? 

Most dairy products will contain some amount of casein. These include: 

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Cream
  • Yogurt
  • Butter
  • Cream cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Custard
  • Pudding

Casein can also be used in products that you wouldn’t expect to have dairy — like hot dogs and caramel flavoring. 

If you’re wondering whether or not a particular product contains casein, your best bet is to check the nutrition label. Look for any dairy products in the ingredients list. Some products also specifically list casein or caseinates as an ingredient.   

Does protein powder contain casein? 

Protein powders and supplements are increasingly common products on the market. People use them both to build muscle and to lose weight. These products typically contain one particular type of protein, and milk proteins are a common choice because they’re relatively inexpensive. 

That being said, protein powders can also be made from proteins that come from: 

  • Soy 
  • Pea 
  • Hemp
  • Rice
  • Potatoes

Check out the nutrition label on your brand of choice to see the source of protein that they use. 

How much casein should you consume? 

The amount of casein that you should consume each day depends on a number of factors like your age, sex, and overall activity levels. In general, adult women should get about 46 grams of protein each day, and adult men should get around 56 grams each day. You need more when you’re working out a lot or otherwise getting lots of physical activity. 

The amount of protein that’s in different foods with casein can differ dramatically. A cup of milk, for example, contains about eight grams of protein. Six ounces of greek yogurt contains 18 grams of protein. Depending on the brand, a single scoop of protein powder can contain anywhere from 10 to 30 grams of protein. 

You should get your protein from diverse sources throughout the day to ensure that you’re getting enough of every kind of amino acid.


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What are the benefits of casein consumption? 

Consuming milk proteins like casein can have a number of beneficial effects on your health. For example, research shows that milk proteins help support your immune system. Digesting milk proteins facilitates the creation of peptides that can stimulate your immune system. Some even have antimicrobial properties. Others act as antioxidants, which are good for your overall health and can reduce your risk for a number of diseases. 

Milk proteins can also greatly enhance your muscle strength and help your muscles grow stronger. One study showed that milk-based proteins were better at building muscle mass than soy protein. 

There has been some controversy about whether or not certain types of caseins are better for you than others, though. Some studies indicate that a particular type of casein, called A1 casein, may increase inflammation throughout your body. However, these results are inconclusive and not all studies indicate this. We need more research to determine whether or not all caseins are equally healthy. 

How should you use casein supplements for muscle building? 

If you want to build muscle with a casein product, then you need to make sure to incorporate it into a rigorous exercise routine. Taking additional protein supplements before and after a workout and before bed can help you build muscle mass. The best routine to use is one that focuses intensely on resistance training. 

Both exercise and available protein are essential to building muscle mass. Just make sure that your routine is appropriate for your body and your goals. Also, make sure that you choose a healthy brand of protein powder, not one that’s full of additives and extra sugars. 

Who shouldn’t consume casein?

People with milk allergies should avoid foods that contain casein. Milk allergies are typically triggered by milk proteins. They can lead to unpleasant digestive symptoms. 

Milk allergies are one of the most common types of food allergies in young children. Luckily, most kids grow out of them after a few years. Some hospitals recommend giving your kid small amounts of dairy products over time to help get their body used to these proteins, but this doesn’t always work. 

On the other hand, people with lactose intolerance shouldn’t have any problems with casein by itself. If you have this condition, your body has trouble digesting lactose — the main carbohydrate in milk. The proteins in milk aren’t a problem.  

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Medically Reviewed on 10/7/2022

Boston Children's Hospital: "Milk Allergy."

Cleveland Clinic: "How to Choose the Best Protein Powder for You."

Harvard Health Publishing: "The hidden dangers of protein powders."

Journal of the American College of Nutrition: "The role of milk- and soy-based protein in support of muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein accretion in young and elderly persons."

The Journal of Nutrition: "Beneficial Effects of Milk Having A2 ß-Casein Protein: Myth or Reality?," "Protein Ingestion before Sleep Increases Muscle Mass and Strength Gains during Prolonged Resistance-Type Exercise Training in Healthy Young Men."

Nutrients: "Pre-Sleep Casein Supplementation, Metabolism, and Appetite: A Systematic Review."

Sarode, A.R., Pawshe, R.D., "Casein and Caseinate: Methods of Manufacture," Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016.

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: "Milk derived bioactive peptides and their impact on human health – A review."