What Happens if You Drink Kefir Water Every Day?

  • Medical Reviewer: Mahammad Juber, MD
Medically Reviewed on 11/18/2022

What is kefir water?

Kefir water is a fermented, dairy-free, and probiotic-rich drink made from water kefir grains, and sugar water. Drinking kefir water every day increases antioxidants, boosts immunity, regulates blood sugar, and confers other benefits.
Kefir water is a fermented, dairy-free, and probiotic-rich drink made from water kefir grains, and sugar water. Drinking kefir water every day increases antioxidants, boosts immunity, regulates blood sugar, and confers other benefits.

Drinking kefir water daily can add good bacteria to your digestive system, fight inflammation, and boost your overall health.

Kefir water is a fermented, dairy-free, and probiotic-rich drink made from water kefir grains, and sugar water. The drink may have originated near the Caucasus Mountains — a region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. A fizzy drink, kefir water tastes slightly acidic and tart when unflavored.

Water kefir grains are not actual grains. They combine healthy bacteria cultures and yeast. They’re jelly-like, small and irregularly shaped, and a light-yellow color.

What are the health benefits of drinking kefir water?

Kefir water has healthy nutrients, probiotics, and anti-inflammatory properties that may help your immune system against several chronic diseases.

Increase your antioxidants. Drinking kefir water gives your body extra antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your body’s cells from damaging free radicals.

As free radicals can cause many health issues, kefir water may reduce your risk for cardiovascular, eye, and neurological diseases.

Studies show kefir’s antioxidants can also limit damage from certain cancer-causing free radicals. Kefir may suppress tumor growth by prompting cancer cells to die off through a process called apoptosis. In tests, kefir water stunted the growth of breast, gastrointestinal, blood, lung, and skin tumors.

Regulate your blood sugar. Drinking kefir water can help maintain your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Avoiding high and low glucose levels is essential for patients with diabetes — it helps prevent cardiovascular, vision, and kidney problems.

Bacteria strains in kefir may help muscle cells increase glucose absorption. This helps your body better regulate glucose levels.

Studies show kefir water can improve hemoglobin levels. This helps prevent anemia which can lead to kidney complications if you have diabetes.

Kefir may reduce Dorea genus bacteria. An excessive amount of this bacteria is linked to diabetes.

Improve your digestive health. Kefir is an excellent source of probiotics like Lactobacillus and Lactococcus. Adding these good bacteria to your diet may alleviate digestive problems like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Imbalances in gut microbiota can give you a “leaky gut” that causes inflammation-related digestive diseases. Kefir water may help strengthen your intestinal barrier to limit inflammation.

Help your immune system. Adding kefir water to your diet can help your immune system fight harmful bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella. Kefir water’s anti-viral properties show potential in helping your immune system fight diseases like influenza and COVID-19.

Studies show kefir water helps stimulate the immune system to respond to these bacteria and viruses. It also helps keep inflammatory cytokines in check to prevent severe symptoms.

Add more nutrients to your diet. Kefir water contains healthy vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.

Having too little Vitamin B1 is linked to heart failure, diabetes, and Alzheimer's Disease. Vitamins B2 and B5 contribute to your body’s energy production. Vitamin C is an important part of your immune system as it helps heal wounds and regenerate antioxidants.

Calcium keeps your bones strong and helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis. Magnesium helps manage your muscles, nerves, and heart rhythm.

Reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Kefir water may potentially treat obesity. In one study, kefir water made digestive enzymes absorb less fat and carbohydrates in animals.

Other studies show kefir water can lower cholesterol levels by limiting the small intestine’s ability to absorb it.

Drinking kefir water may help you maintain a healthy blood pressure. Kefir appears to lower aldosterone production. High aldosterone is linked to hypertension.

Kefir water’s anti-inflammatory properties may help if you have asthma or allergies. One animal study identified a specific probiotic in kefir that improved immune system function to alleviate asthma and allergy symptoms.

Who should drink kefir water?

Most people can drink kefir water every day as it’s a safe and low-cost nutritional supplement.

You can use kefir water to replace soda, fruit juice, or other sweetened drinks if you want less sugar in your diet.

Many kefir drinks are fermented with milk. Kefir water has similar benefits as milk-fermented kefir products. It’s a good probiotic option if you’re vegan or avoid dairy due to allergies, sensitivities, or personal beliefs.

Does kefir water have side effects?

Kefir water’s side effects can include digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation, gas, or nausea. These symptoms may occur due to the probiotics in kefir, but they’re usually mild.

Some studies link probiotics to infection risks in people with weakened immune systems. Talk to your doctor before adding kefir water to your diet if you are undergoing cancer treatment or have a condition that can weaken your immune system.

Kefir water can contain a small amount of alcohol from the fermenting process. Children and those sensitive to alcohol should avoid it.

Kefir water flavored with fruit juice contains added sugar. Limit such flavorings if you have diabetes or are trying to lower your sugar intake.

How do you make kefir water?

You need water kefir grains to make your own kefir water. You also need water, sugar, a 4-cup jar with a lid, and a strainer. For a basic recipe:

  1. Combine ½ cup of hot water with ¼ cup of sugar in a jar and mix together until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Add 3 cups of room-temperature water and the water kefir grains to the jar.
  3. Cover the jar with a loose lid or a cloth and secure with a rubber band.
  4. Place the jar in a warm area — 68-85 °F — and leave to ferment for 24-48 hours.
  5. Pour the liquid through a plastic or stainless-steel mesh strainer to separate the kefir water from the kefir grains (you can reuse the kefir grains).
  6. Add optional flavorings such as fruit juice, vegetable juice, fresh fruit, or vanilla extract.

You can leave kefir water out at room temperature for 2-3 days or store it for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Is kefir water right for you?

Drinking kefir water every day can provide your body with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients that may boost your health. Since kefir water's probiotics can have some side effects, consult with your doctor before adding it to your diet.


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Medically Reviewed on 11/18/2022

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