What Is Anamu Herb Good For?

Medically Reviewed on 8/31/2022
Anamu Herb
Although the anamu herb is generally safe, there are several measures you should take before using the plant.

Anamu herb is popularly known as garlic weed, kojo root, gully root, and many others; its botanical name is Petiveria alliacea L., and it is a member of the Phytolaccaceae family. This perennial plant is native to the Amazon Rainforest. Anamu may also be found in Central America, the southeastern United States, the Caribbean, and certain tropical areas. 

Anamu herb is well-known for its medicinal properties. Different parts of the anamu plant are used to cure various diseases in traditional medicine.

7 health benefits of anamu herb

Seven health benefits of the anamu herb include:

  1. Treats cold and flu:
    • Anamu extract has been used to treat flu, colds, and other respiratory illnesses for decades. 
    • Researchers suggest that the anamu herb serves to enhance your immune system, making your body stronger. 
    • When your immune system is stronger, your body is better able to combat bacteria, viruses, and other germs that cause disease.
  2. Role in cancer prevention:
    • Two phytochemicals found in this plant, astilbin and dibenzyl trisulfide, have been found to directly destroy cancer cells in lab studies. 
    • Studies have reported that these chemicals could distinguish between healthy and malignant cells, destroying only diseased cells; however, more research is required
  3. Stimulates menstruation:
    • The anamu plant is said to be a natural emmenagogue. This implies it can increase blood flow to the uterus, allowing for menstrual stimulation.
    • This may be attractive for some people for a variety of reasons, including convenience and usage as an emergency contraceptive
    • You should avoid using this plant if you are pregnant.
  4. Fights other disease-causing microorganisms:
    • It contains various sulfur-containing compounds that give it garlic or onion-like odor.
    • Modern science has begun to examine some of these components and has produced some evidence to support traditional claims of its ability to cure illnesses.
    • Physiologically active chemicals are far more abundant in the roots than in the leaves.
    • Fresh macerated root extracts were proven to prevent the development of a range of fungi and bacteria.
    • Studies have reported that this herb is effective against pathogens that cause food-borne diseases, vaginal infections, and respiratory diseases.
  5. Improves brain function:
    • Anamu use improves brain functioning, influencing total mental growth and performance levels.
    • Anamu leaf extracts are beneficial for memory and learning skills. 
    • Anamu extracts reduce anxiety, impulsiveness, and sadness while also boosting long-term memory
    • It is extremely beneficial to cognitive growth including:
      • Thinking
      • Reasoning
      • Remembering things
  6. Contains antioxidant properties:
    • Anamu has antioxidant effects because of its composition of several plant-based chemicals. 
    • The presence of these antioxidants aids in the battle against the potentially harmful effects of free radicals, which can cause cellular damage. 
    • Cellular damage may result in chronic health issues such as cardiovascular and inflammatory disease, cataracts, and cancer.
  7. Reduces inflammation and pain:
    • Anamu has a long history of usage in traditional medicine as a therapeutic plant. 
    • The therapeutic techniques have resulted in reduced inflammation, pain relief, improved mental growth, and immunological enhancement. 
    • This plant has traditionally been used to relieve pain in cases of earache, headaches, toothache, and others. 
    • Anamu relieves discomfort from achy muscles, backaches, and arthritis joint pain.
    • More human studies are required before recommending Anamu for widespread usage as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.


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Are there any downsides to anamu herb?

Although anamu is usually seen to be safe, there are several measures you should take.

  • Contraindicated in pregnant women:
    • Anamu should be avoided by pregnant women and women attempting to conceive.
    • Researchers found that it can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Contraindicated in people with blood disorders:
    • Anamu may cause thinning of the blood and should not be used by people who have preexisting blood problems such as hemophilia or who take blood-thinning medication such as warfarin.
  • Contraindicated in people with diabetes:

Due to its rareness, extensive study regarding the establishment of its safety is yet to be conducted. Hence, it is contraindicated in children, and you must seek your doctor’s advice before taking it.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/31/2022
Image Source: iStock image

A critical review of the therapeutic potential of dibenzyl trisulphide isolated from Petiveria alliacea L (guinea hen weed, anamu): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17621839/

Petiveria alliacea: https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/integrative-medicine/herbs/petiveria-alliacea