What Is Black Cumin Good For?

Medically Reviewed on 8/24/2022
Black Cumin
Taking black cumin seeds orally along with medications may help improve wheezing, coughing, and other breathing problems.

Black cumin contains the antioxidant, vitamin C.

  • The special compounds in this help reduce swelling.
  • It strengthens the effect on the immune system, which may help reduce the risk of cancer.

Black cumin safeguards the liver, helps expand tracheal muscles, and reduces shortness of breath.

What is black cumin?

Black cumin is also called Nigella sativa or nigella seeds. The flowers of Nigella sativa are delicate and pale blue and white, with five to ten petals.

Nigella sativa has a strong bitter taste and smell and is widely used in confectionery and liquors.

Black cumin is used in Middle Eastern medicine as a natural remedy for several diseases including abscesses, herpes zoster, etc.

Black cumin contains vitamins A, C, and B and phosphorus.

Nutritional values of black cumin

Black cumin (100 grams) contains:

Table. The nutritional content of black cumin (100 grams)
Nutrient Amount
Manganese 8.53 mg
Copper 2.6 mg
Iron 9.7 mg
Total fat 31.16 mg
Phosphorus 543 mg
Magnesium 265 mg
Calcium 570 mg
Zinc 6.23 mg

14 health benefits of black cumin

  1. Protects the gut
    • Black cumin seed appears to have antiulcer properties against Heliobacter pylori.
    • Black cumin and thymoquinone (present in black cumin seed) fight against bacteria and prevents necrotizing ulcerative colitis.
  2. May prevent asthma
  3. Treats methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
    • MRSA is a fatal infection that is hard to treat.
    • Researchers report that black cumin responds well in patients suffering from MRSA.
    • Black cumin has antimicrobial and antibacterial agents that kill the bacteria on contact.
  4. Helps lower blood pressure
    • Black cumin, along with other medications, may help lower blood pressure. However, it should not be considered in the case of severe hypertension.
  5. Helps with kidney stones
    • It is an ancient practice to treat kidney stones.
    • Black cumin oil was effective against gentamicin kidney toxicity.
    • Black cumin has defensive action against kidney injury.
  6. May prevent pancreatic cancer
    • An essential component in black cumin, thymoquinone, significantly reduces the level of inflammatory-inducing compounds in pancreatic cancer.
  7. Helps with allergic reactions
    • Black cumin possesses antiallergic effects and can be considered a treatment for allergic rhinitis.
    • In a study, people administered black seed oil to their noses to treat mild to moderate and severe allergic rhinitis.
    • After six weeks, 9 out of 10 people have reported that their symptoms were reduced or gone completely.
  8. Women’s health
    • Black cumin is an excellent source of iron and calcium, thus beneficial for lactating, pregnant, and menstruating women.
    • Black cumin helps increase breast milk secretion in women because it has a high amount of thymol that increases mammary gland secretions.
    • Applying oil containing black cumin can relieve breast pain or tenderness during the menstrual cycle.
  9. Increases fertility
    • Taking black cumin orally can improve male infertility.
    • Intake of black cumin seeds may increase sperm count and motility in males.
    • However, it is not known if it increases the chances of pregnancy.
  10. May lower blood sugar
  11. Lowers seizures risk
    • Black cumin seed contains anti-convulsive agents that reduce epileptic seizures.
    • According to a study, regular consumption of black cumin seeds helps minimize seizure attacks in children with epilepsy.
    • The research involved monitoring children with epilepsy who no longer responded to conventional treatment.
  12. Antiviral properties
    • Black cumin reduces the viral load in hepatitis C.
    • Black cumin has antiviral properties against infectious laryngotracheitis virus.
  13. Helps lose weight loss
    • Black cumin is an appetite suppressant. Taking black cumin will help you stay fuller for longer hours.
    • Black cumin reduces the sugar spike in the blood and reduces food cravings.
    • Having black cumin regularly may help lose weight.
  14. Antifungal properties
    • Black cumin has antifungal properties.
    • Methanolic extracts in black cumin have the strongest antifungal activity.


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6 ways to use black cumin seeds

  1. They are used as spice flavors on buns, pastries, bread, sauces, and beverages.
  2. Mostly used in candies, curries, and liquors.
  3. People in a few countries spread it on the bun or put it on cakes.
  4. Dry roasted black cumin seeds are used to cook curries, vegetables, and pulses.
  5. Naan bread is topped with nigella seeds.
  6. Nigella seeds are used in Armenian string cheese.

3 side effects of black cumin seeds

  1. Cumin seeds may cause skin rashes
  2. Vomiting or stomach upset
  3. Black seed oil or gel can be applied to the skin, but long-term use may cause rashes on the skin

What precautions should be taken?

Black cumin seeds slow down blood clotting, so intake of the seeds may lead to bleeding disorders.

  • Have a sedative effect, causing drowsiness.
  • Should avoid large amounts in pregnant women and lactating mothers.
  • People with immune disorders should be careful while taking in larger amounts.
  • Should be careful if you are taking any blood pressure medications because black cumin seeds reduce blood pressure.

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Medically Reviewed on 8/24/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Black (Cumin) Seed Oil. http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/nutrition/black_seed.htm

Black Seed - Uses, Side Effects, and More. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-901/black-seed