What Is Jello (Jell-O) and Is It Good or Bad For You?

  • Medical Reviewer: Mahammad Juber, MD
Medically Reviewed on 9/14/2022

What is jello?

Jello is a food product derived from animal collagen. Jello is not the healthiest food option, but eating it in moderation likely won't hurt you.
Jello is a food product derived from animal collagen. Jello is not the healthiest food option, but eating it in moderation likely won't hurt you.

Most of us are familiar with the sweet, jiggly substance known as jello. It’s served in school cafeterias, at community events, and might even be sitting in your pantry right now. Although “Jell-O” is a brand name owned by Kraft foods, the food item jello is sold by many manufacturers. It's a flavored, gelatin-based dessert that's low in calories and fat. But it’s also high in sugar and artificial sweeteners, which may be harmful to your health.

Jello is a food product sold as a powdered mix or a pre-made dessert. It’s primarily made of gelatin, a protein product derived from animal collagen.

Collagen is one of the main building blocks of connective tissues, bone, and skin. It contains several essential amino acids, including glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

Rumors might have you believe that jello is made from horse or cow hooves, but that’s a myth. Instead, gelatin is made by washing the skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones of animals, usually cows and pigs. The raw materials are soaked in acid or lime, washed several more times, and filtered before the collagen is extracted. The collagen is then dried, ground into a powder, and sifted to make gelatin.

Research has shown that gelatin has many health benefits. As a result, it’s a common ingredient in cosmetics, foods, pharmaceutical products, and ointments.

When you buy jello at the store, it comes pre-made (usually in individual cup servings), or you can make it at home with a flavored powder mixture. To make jello at home, pour the powder into a pot of boiling water and then let it cool. The process produces a sweet, gel-like final product that both kids and adults can enjoy.

Jello comes in many flavors, including strawberry, cherry, fruit punch, lemon, lime, peach, watermelon, and many others.

A brief history of jello

In 1845, a man named Peter Cooper patented and developed a powdered gelatin. Nothing much became of it — until a few decades later. In 1897, a carpenter named Pearl Wait experimented with the gelatin and developed a sweet-tasting dessert. His wife called it Jell-O. He lacked the money and experience to advertise and sell his product successfully, so he sold the trademark to Orator Frank Woodward in 1899.

At first, Woodward was unsuccessful in marketing and selling Jell-O. But eventually, sales grew, and it became a best-seller and a wildly popular product among American consumers.

By 1904, Jell-O was nicknamed “America’s Favorite Dessert.” The sweet, processed, and colorful food appealed to Americans of all socioeconomic backgrounds due to its versatility. It was marketed as a food product that belonged in every home, from the humble cabin to the stately mansion.

Jell-O soon became an iconic American food. In the early 1900s, immigrants passing through Ellis Island often received a bowl of jello to welcome them to their new home.

During the Great Depression of the early 20th century, jello was highly desirable because it was a simple and inexpensive dessert. Its popularity continued to grow with the introduction of convenience foods in the 1950s. By the 1990s, it had even become a form of edible entertainment and has since been an American pantry staple.

What other ingredients are used in jello?

Aside from gelatin, jello also contains sweeteners, food colorings, and artificial flavors.

Most often, jello contains sugar substitutes like aspartame, which gives it a sweet flavor but with fewer calories than sugar. Although these sugar substitutes have some benefits, scientists are divided on whether they're safe.

The artificial flavors found in jello are made with mixtures of chemicals. They imitate natural flavors but are not derived from natural sources. Most jello also still contains artificial food dyes instead of naturally sourced colorings created from fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

Some types of jello may use different sweeteners and flavors, and some may even use natural food colorings. Because many different companies make jello, it’s best to read the ingredients list to determine exactly what’s in the jello you're buying.

Is jello good for you?

Jello is generally a low-calorie and fat-free food. But it’s also low in nutrients, containing very few vitamins and minerals.

For example, one ½ cup serving of orange Jell-O contains:

  • 80 calories
  • 2 grams of protein
  • 19 grams of carbohydrates
  • 80 milligrams of sodium

Unless you choose sugar-free Jello, it will also be very high in sugar, making it a poor nutritional choice.

Jello continues to be a common staple in many diets, but its overall poor nutritional value makes it an unhealthy food choice. Many people are also wary of the artificial ingredients it contains and their possible health effects.

Health benefits of gelatin

Although jello isn’t a well-rounded, nutritious food, its main ingredient, gelatin, does have several health benefits. 

Gelatin contains proteins and amino acids, including collagen, which can reduce joint pain and improve the strength and flexibility of your body’s tissues and tendons. Collagen is also widely praised for its ability to improve skin hydration and elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Although it might be tempting to eat more jello simply to reap the health effects of collagen, the amount found in jello isn’t nearly enough to provide any noticeable benefits.

Gelatin is also a rich source of glycine, an amino acid that your body uses to create protein. Your body naturally produces glycine, but it's also found in many foods. Research has indicated that glycine may: 

Gelatin can even have an impact on sleep quality, especially among people with insomnia.

Other foods containing gelatin include:

  • Yogurt
  • Chewing gum
  • Gummy bears
  • Marshmallows
  • Ice cream
  • Vitamins
  • Soups
  • Sauces
  • Gravy
  • Whipped cream
  • Icing and frosting for baked goods


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow

Is jello vegetarian?

Jello’s main ingredient, gelatin, is made with animal products, so it’s not vegetarian or vegan. Although jello isn’t suitable for vegetarians, another similar food product, called agar agar, is a good alternative. It’s derived from seaweed and is sometimes marketed as “gelatin,” but it’s vegan.

Like jello, agar agar has little nutritional value, but it’s an excellent substitute for vegetarian or vegan recipes that require a gelatin-like ingredient.

Many grocery stores have agar agar in the natural foods section. It’s useful in a variety of dishes, including:

  • Pudding
  • Jelly
  • Cheesecake
  • Ice cream
  • Gummy candies
  • Mousse

Should jello be a part of my diet?

Including or excluding jello from your diet mainly comes down to personal preference. Jello is not the healthiest food option, but eating it in moderation likely won’t hurt you. Even though it contains artificial ingredients and has very little nutritional value, many people still eat jello because they enjoy its flavor, consistency, and convenience.

For a healthier alternative, avoid buying packaged jello mixes or pre-packaged jello cups. Instead, make your own jello at home with grass-fed beef gelatin, fruit juice, and a natural sweetener like honey or agave.

With a homemade version, you can still end up with delicious, brightly colored jello depending on what type of juice blend you use. The main difference is that you can limit or eliminate the refined sugars, artificial flavors, and additives found in the processed versions.

Vegetarians, vegans, and people with a gelatin allergy should avoid eating jello unless made at home with a gelatin alternative that meets their dietary needs.

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Medically Reviewed on 9/14/2022

American Chemical Society: "Eating with Your Eyes: The Chemistry of Food Colorings."

American Journal of Industrial Medicine: "The carcinogenic effects of aspartame: The urgent need for regulatory re-evaluation."

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British Journal of Anaesthesia: "Anaphylactic shock after sensitization to gelatin."

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Journal of Pharmacological Sciences: "New therapeutic strategy for amino acid medicine: glycine improves the quality of sleep."

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Smithsonian Magazine: "The Joys of Jell-O."

University of Michigan Library: "Jell-O: America's Most Famous Dessert: At Home Everywhere: Overview."

Vegetarian Resource Group: "Questions About Food Ingredients."