What Is Ozone Therapy Good For? Uses & Side Effects

what is ozone therapy good for
Ozone therapy is used in alternative medicine but claims regarding its efficacy in treating medical conditions are not supported by sufficient evidence

Ozone therapy is used in alternative medicine and involves using ozone gas or liquid to treat medical conditions. However, according to the FDA, ozone is a toxic gas with no proven applications in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy in medicine. Ozone gas is unstable, and its use requires extreme caution. 

Though multiple claims have been made regarding ozone therapy, including promising results in the treatment of cancer, hepatitis, and human immunodeficiency virus, these findings could not be replicated in human studies. It is, therefore, best to stick to conventional modes of treatment for these diseases. Ozone therapy cannot replace drugs and vaccinations as a cure for any infectious, cancerous, or autoimmune condition.

What is ozone therapy used for?

Ozone therapy does, however, have uses in dentistry to kill bacteria that cause plaque formation and gum diseases.

Other uses of ozone therapy include treating:

  • Diabetic wounds
  • Bed sores
  • Intractable wounds
  • Burns or venous ulcers
  • Nonhealing external wounds
  • Prolapsed spinal disc to reduce pain

The use of ozone therapy in following conditions is likely ineffective:

How does ozone therapy work?

Ozone therapy involves injecting medical-grade ozone to increase the amount of oxygen in the body. According to proponents of this therapy, ozone causes a positive reaction in the body by prompting it to heal and regenerate itself. 

Ozone therapy is administered via various forms:

  • Inhalation
  • Vaginal
  • Rectal 
  • Ingestion (dissolved in tiny amounts in oil or water for consumption)
  • Autohemotherapy (removal of blood, exposing it to ozone, and then re-injecting into the body)

Are there side effects of ozone therapy?

Ozone is a poisonous gas, which when inhaled can cause severe irritation to the respiratory passages and lungs. It can trigger asthma, choking, or shortness of breath

Vaginally or rectally administered ozone can cause air emboli, which are fatal. Other side effects are permanent damage to vaginal or rectal mucosa. 

Intravenous injection of ozone is the most dangerous route, as it can cause fatal gas emboli, chest pain, heart attack, or even blindness. At least two deaths have been reported due to administration of ozone therapy.

You should never inhale pure ozone because ozone mixes with hemoglobin in the blood and leaves no place for oxygen. This leads to hypoxia (decreased oxygen) and may cause premature death.

Is ozone therapy helpful in treating COVID-19?

Health experts around the world are looking into alternative therapies to combat COVID-19. However, since many of the studies using ozone therapy are funded by ozone therapy centers, reports of efficacy may not be accurate.

A few small-scale studies have published encouraging findings; however, large-scale supporting evidence is needed before ozone therapy can be incorporated into COVID-19 management protocol.


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Ozone therapy: A clinical review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312702/

Ozone Therapy as a Possible Option in COVID-19 Management: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00417/full

Ozone therapy: https://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/ozone/