What Is Saigon Cinnamon? Benefits and Comparison to Other Types

Medically Reviewed on 8/3/2022
What Is Saigon Cinnamon? Benefits and Comparison to Other Types
Learn about the benefits of Saigon cinnamon and how it compares to other types

Saigon cinnamon, also called Vietnamese cinnamon or Cinnamomum loureiroi, is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are linked to several health benefits, including blood sugar regulation and increased brain function.

Learn about the benefits of Saigon cinnamon and how it compares to other types.

7 health benefits of Saigon cinnamon

1. Rich in antioxidants

Saigon cinnamon is very high in antioxidants, including eugenol and cinnamaldehyde, which help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative cell damage. 

Studies have shown that antioxidants play a critical role in preventing diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and heart disease.

2. Helps control blood sugar

Saigon cinnamon may help lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.

According to one study, cinnamon lowered blood sugar levels as well as bad cholesterol levels in participants when used for 4-18 weeks.

3. Reduces inflammation

Chronic inflammation can trigger the immune system to go into overdrive, harming healthy tissues and cells in the process and leading to chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.

4. May help prevent cancer

Animal studies have shown that cinnamon can lower levels of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 6, two markers used to assess inflammation in the body and can contribute to the growth of cancer. However, more studies are needed to make a strong conclusion.

5. Promotes brain function

Several in vitro studies have found that cinnamon extract may help protect brain function, especially against age-related cognitive decline. In one study, cinnamon extract prevented the buildup of a protein in the brain that is associated with Alzheimer's disease. However, more studies are needed to confirm this health benefit.

6. Promotes oral health

According to studies, cinnamon oil may help prevent the growth of bacteria such as Streptococcus mutants, which causes dental plaque. Therefore, cinnamon may help fight cavities and help prevent tooth decay.

7. Can be used as a sweetener

Saigon cinnamon is naturally sweet, making it a low-calorie sugar alternative if you are trying to reduce your calorie or sugar intake.

What is the difference between Saigon cinnamon and other types of cinnamon?

Saigon cinnamon is a type of cassia cinnamon that has a stronger flavor. This is mainly because Saigon cinnamon has a higher concentration of cinnamaldehyde, which is the essential oil that gives cinnamon its distinctive flavor.

Saigon cinnamon also contains more coumarin than other types of cinnamon like Ceylon. Couramin can be harmful in large doses, potentially causing high blood pressure, kidney damage, and other health problems.

To avoid harmful effects on health, experts recommend limiting the use of Saigon cinnamon or opting for Ceylon cinnamon.

Can you use Ceylon cinnamon in place of Saigon cinnamon?

Ceylon can be used in place of Saigon cinnamon. However, Ceylon has a much milder flavor, so you may need to use more of it to achieve the same flavor that Saigon cinnamon would provide.

Both ground cinnamon and cinnamon extract work well in baked goods.

How to use Saigon cinnamon

Saigon cinnamon is often found in the spice section, and both sticks and ground varieties can be used in recipes:

  • Sprinkled on honey-drizzled toast
  • Added to curries
  • Used to make homemade spiced apple cider
  • Simmered with milk (or a milk substitute)
  • Used to spice up hot chocolate


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Medically Reviewed on 8/3/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Health Benefits of Saigon Cinnamon. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-saigon-cinnamon#091e9c5e81feed15-2-5

Ceylon Vs. Saigon Cinnamon: Which is Healthier? https://illuminatelabs.org/en-in/blogs/health/ceylon-vs-saigon-cinnamon

Saigon Cinnamon vs Ceylon Cinnamon: What’s The Difference? https://thekitchencommunity.org/saigon-cinnamon-vs-ceylon-cinnamon/

Cinnamon: Mystic powers of a minute ingredient. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4466762/