What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spider Mites? 6 Ways

Medically Reviewed on 6/2/2022
What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spider Mites
Here are 6 ways to get rid of spider mites and protect your indoor plants from damage

Spider mites are one of the most common plant pests that often appear in the spring as the temperature begins to rise. Smaller than the head of a pin, they can be difficult to see but often recognized by the damage they cause to both indoor and outdoor plants. 

Spider mites feed on the juice of plant foliage, causing weak, damaged, and mottled leaves. They tend to multiply exponentially and can create an infestation in a matter of days or weeks.

Fortunately, there are few ways to get rid of spider mites and protect your indoor plants.

6 ways to get rid of spider mites

1. Spray with water

Spider mites like dry, warm weather. Spraying plants with water can help prevent them from infesting the undersides of the leaves and wreaking havoc. 

Remove the plant from its environment and apply high-pressure water to the leaves and stems with a hose. You can also place your houseplants in a kitchen sink or bathtub and turn on the faucet or shower head. This will need to be done regularly to prevent the mites from coming back and taking over. 

2. Use essential oils

Studies have shown that the best essential oils for killing two-spotted spider mite eggs and adults include chamomile, coriander, spearmint, and rosemary. To make a DIY spray, fill a spray bottle with water and a few drops of oil and spray the mixture on the leaves.

3. Use Neem oil

Neem oil is also an effective spider mite killer that suffocates the mites and interferes with their feeding and mating cycles.

4. Use insecticidal soaps

Insecticidal soaps are natural products that are designed to kill insects. Spray early in the morning or late at night, but avoid using it when the temperature is above 90 F. Apply again every 7-10 days or as directed to stop spider mite eggs from hatching.

5. Use hot peppers

Jalapeno, chili, and cayenne pepper extracts have been shown to be effective in killing spider mites. Lemon drop and Bishop's crown peppers also repel spider mites. You can purchase hot pepper repellent online or make your own.

6. Encourage predators

Spider mite populations are kept in control by natural predators such as lacewings, thrips, ladybugs, and predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) that feed on spider mite eggs. 

You can avoid using pesticides in your garden so that these predators thrive, or you can find nurseries that sell ladybugs and other parasitic mites that can help you get rid of spider mites on your plants. Check to see that the predatory insects you buy are suitable for the plant and the time of year you will be using them.

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Medically Reviewed on 6/2/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

