What Is the Healthiest Lettuce to Eat?

Medically Reviewed on 10/26/2022

Why is lettuce healthy?

There are five different categories of lettuce: loose-leaf, cos/romaine, butterhead, crisphead, and asparagus-stem lettuce. Romaine lettuce and lettuce greens are the most nutritious types of lettuce.
There are five different categories of lettuce: loose-leaf, cos/romaine, butterhead, crisphead, and asparagus-stem lettuce. Romaine lettuce and lettuce greens are the most nutritious types of lettuce.

Lettuce is a cool-weather vegetable. If it is planted in spring or summer, high temperatures can stunt its growth and produce a bitter taste. However, it is a mainstay of salads all over the world, an added topping to burgers and other hand-held sandwiches, and a component of wraps and other delicacies. 

There are numerous types of lettuce, so how can you tell which is healthiest… and does it matter? All lettuce has some dietary value, but some soar above the others in terms of taste and nutritional content. 

Salads and meals that contain lettuce usually have essential vitamins and minerals, as well as a high water content in some cases. These vegetables provide fiber, which is good for digestive and heart health. 

Not everyone eats enough greens, so increased intake is recommended due to their nutritional content. Lettuce is low in calories but contains bulk and nutrients. This can aid in weight management. All types contain antioxidants, which are good for disease prevention.

The American Cancer Society and American Cancer Institute have said that foods that contain high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin A also offer protection against different types of cancer. In combination with other phytochemicals, these nutrients decrease the risk of some tumors that affect the GI tract and respiratory tract. 

Spinach, romaine, watercress, arugula, and kale are some of the most healthy greens. They have a good combination of Vitamins A, B, C, K, and potassium.

What are the different types of lettuce?

There are five different categories of lettuce: loose-leaf, cos/romaine, butterhead, crisphead, and asparagus-stem lettuce.  Loose-leaf lettuce is large, curly, and sometimes centered around a central stalk. Romaine has crisp long leaves and is popular for Caesar salads. A butterhead is a head of lettuce that is loosely packed and resembles a flower blossom. Crisphead lettuce has light-colored, crunchy leaves that are packed tightly. Stem lettuce has a tight central stem.  

The following are some of the most common lettuce types:

  • Iceberg lettuce: This type is popular in a wedge salad. It is known for consisting mostly of water, and its nutritive substance is often questioned. Still, it contains some amounts of vitamin A and K, calcium, folate, vitamin C, and potassium. It's relatively low in fiber, but the water content is itself valuable. 
  • Romaine lettuce: This lettuce is high in nutritional content. A traditional salad base, romaine lettuce contains healthy amounts of the minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. It also has high amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin K.
  • Spinach: A serving of spinach contains half of the recommended daily required amount of vitamin A. It contains almost twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin K. This could be one of the reasons it may be the most frequently used of all greens. It also packs in vitamin C, folate, and iron. All of these promote tissue, blood, and bone health. 
  • Butter lettuce: No, this type of lettuce does not contain butter. Instead, it is a green lettuce that provides healthy sources of vitamin A, some calcium, and iron. The texture is smooth like butter, and the taste is a little sweet. 
  • Arugula: A little different in taste, this lettuce contains nitrate, vitamin k, and vitamin A. This combination has been shown to increase athletic performance. However, it has somewhat of a peppery taste. Not all people are able to consume it by itself. 

There are other, widely lauded types of lettuce as well:

  • Kale: Kale is the new superfood. It is seen as a staple of all things healthy. It has a huge amount of vitamins A and C. It also contains fiber, folate, and calcium. Its unusual, sturdy leaves even allow it to be baked as crispy chips. 
  • Swiss chard: This lettuce has leaves that are multicolored and decorative. It contains nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, and calcium.
  • Watercress: Watercress is very healthy. It contains 100% of the recommended daily dietary amount of vitamin K. It also aids in lowering blood pressure due to its high dietary value of nitrate. The taste is somewhat spicy. 
  • Dandelion greens: A one-cup serving of these greens contains 3 times more calcium than spinach. It also aids in strong bone development thanks to its rich supply of vitamin K. 
  • Mache: Mache is popular in bagged salad mixes. It contains healthy amounts of vitamin C.

What makes different types of lettuce healthier than others?

The nutritional content of lettuce is different depending on the lettuce type. Most lettuces provide small amounts of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, a little fat, and some protein. The most abundant nutrients are vitamin A and potassium. Beta-carotene is the source of this vitamin A. It is usually yellow-orange, but the color is masked by chlorophyll, which contains green pigments. The amount of beta-carotene content is indicated by darker green pigment.

In fact, typically, the more darkly pigmented the lettuce leaf, the more nutrient-rich it will be. Romaine lettuce, for instance, has almost 10 times more vitamin A than iceberg lettuce. 

Some of the lettuce greens are also high in potassium, folate, and fiber. Lettuce greens can even provide lutein, which promotes good vision by helping to protect from macular degeneration. Greens also aid in blood clotting and healthy bones by providing vitamin K. 

Though it is the most popular type of lettuce in the US, iceberg is the least nutritious. It has great shipping properties, though, so it is always readily available. Its primary ingredient is water. In contrast, other lettuces are moderately abundant sources of calcium, vitamin C, iron, and copper. Their spines contain fiber, with other minerals dispersed throughout the leaf. 

So, the next time you go to the grocery store or farmers market, choose wisely when searching for the healthiest and most flavorful type of lettuce.  


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Medically Reviewed on 10/26/2022

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: "Different Kinds of Lettuces and Greens."

Harvard Health Publishing: "Salad greens: Getting the most bang for the bite."

University of Illinois Extension: "Lettuce."

Womens Health Magazine: "12 Best Types Of Greens And Lettuce To Add To Your Salad."