What Is Yacon Syrup Good For?

Medically Reviewed on 12/20/2022

What is yacon syrup?

Yacon syrup has recently gained popularity as an alternative to maple syrup due to having fewer calories. Yacon syrup is good for weight loss, diabetes, gut health, and alleviating constipation.
Yacon syrup has recently gained popularity as an alternative to maple syrup due to having fewer calories. Yacon syrup is good for weight loss, diabetes, gut health, and alleviating constipation.

Yacon syrup has recently gained popularity as an alternative to maple syrup due to having fewer calories. However, not everyone knows that yacon can also treat constipation and boost your immune system, among other health benefits. 

Here’s what you need to know.

Yacon, scientifically known as Smallanthus sonchifolius, is an herbaceous plant native to the Andes Mountains in South America. It’s usually present in countries like Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru — however, it has also spread to other continents, like Europe and Oceania. 

Yacon extends fruit-like roots that resemble apples due to their crunchy and sweet texture. These roots are primarily composed of water and have a long history of use in traditional folk medicine for their various health benefits. For example, they can help treat conditions such as diabetes and constipation.

Many products come from yacon roots and leaves, like yacon powder, syrup, and herbal tea. Yacon syrup is particularly popular, as it can be a delicious, low-calorie replacement for maple syrup. This product is made by extracting the juice of yacon roots and concentrating it with an evaporator.

Experts estimate that yacon roots are composed of:

  • 75% water
  • 20% carbohydrates
  • 2% protein
  • 1% fat
  • 2% other components, such as ash

This nutritional balance provides yacon products with several beneficial properties, like antioxidant and antidiabetic capabilities. While research is still limited, there has been an increasing number of studies demonstrating the numerous health benefits of yacon roots. Particularly, it has attracted attention as a weight-loss supplement.

Is yacon syrup good for losing weight?

A 2009 study brought yacon syrup to the spotlight after showing its efficiency as a weight-loss supplement. Since then, more research has been conducted on the topic, though still more studies are needed to fully confirm these benefits.

In the 2009 study, experts examined the effects of consuming yacon syrup over a 4-month period. During this time, a number of obese women took yacon syrup every day, varying the dose depending on their body weight. Researchers gave some other participants a similar syrup that didn’t contain any yacon. This “ placebo” group allowed them to verify that any positive results came from yacon and not from other factors.

After four months, researchers found that the group that took yacon syrup every day lost, on average, 20 kilos. Furthermore, they reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) from 34 to 28 — meaning they went from obese to overweight. The average waist circumference of the group also dropped from 105 centimeters to 95.

On the other hand, the placebo group (the one that didn’t receive yacon) increased their weight by two kilograms. Since other factors were not known to have affected either group, yacon could have significant benefits for losing weight.

How does yacon syrup affect weight?

Yacon syrup is rich in fructooligosaccharides (FOS) — a special carbohydrate found in foods like bananas and garlic. FOS are quickly gaining popularity as an additive, as they have proven to be highly beneficial for your gastrointestinal health.

When it comes to losing weight, fructooligosaccharides work by delaying gastric emptying and regulating food intake. This causes you to feel full longer, leading you to eat less during the day. This, in turn, affects your overall caloric intake, helping you maintain a healthy and steady caloric deficit.

Are there any other benefits to yacon syrup?

In addition to the promotion of weight loss, there are many health benefits associated with yacon syrup. However, it’s essential to remember that there isn’t much research available on the subject, so the precise effects of yacon may vary from person to person.

Type 2 diabetes

Dietary intervention is the most prevalent treatment against diabetes — meaning that antidiabetic supplements like yacon can be very helpful. Yacon roots are particularly popular, as they can act as low-calorie sweeteners.

Yacon is considered an antidiabetic thanks to its notable hypoglycemic effect: It can lower your blood sugar levels while improving your liver's insulin sensitivity. It can also promote glucose absorption in peripheral tissues like your skin and gut.

Gut health

Fructooligosaccharides, like the ones found in yacon syrup, can significantly impact your intestinal microflora. Experts suggest that this could lead to several health benefits: suppressing inflammation, decreasing the risk of colorectal cancer, and improving local immune response.

Yacon could be particularly useful in preventing salmonella — an infection that can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. However, keep in mind that you must take yacon for at least 30 days before these effects manifest.

Alleviating constipation

One of the confirmed effects of yacon products is that they can help alleviate constipation. Studies indicate that people who take about 20 grams of yacon syrup a day report increased bowel movements.

Similarly, some participants report softer stool consistency, which could reduce discomfort caused by constipation. However, experts point out that there isn’t enough evidence yet to fully confirm this effect.

Does yacon syrup cause side effects?

Yacon is considered safe for almost everyone as long as you take the recommended dosages. Overdosing on yacon doesn’t typically cause severe side effects, but it can be very uncomfortable. Here are some common side effects related to yacon overdose:

Also, like many other foods, yacon can trigger allergic reactions in some people. While yacon allergies seem to be rare, there has been at least one case where a 55-year-old woman developed anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) after consuming yacon.

If you’re unsure about yacon's safety, make sure to check with a doctor, nutritionist, or licensed dietitian. A trained professional can give you precise information about this plant's possible side effects and take into account your own health conditions.


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Medically Reviewed on 12/20/2022

Allergy, asthma & immunology research: "A case of anaphylaxis after the ingestion of yacon."

Clinical Nutrition: "Yacon syrup: Beneficial effects on obesity and insulin resistance in humans."

Digestion: "Effect of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) on Colonic Transit Time in Healthy Volunteers."

Food Research International: "Yacon syrup: Food applications and impact on satiety in healthy volunteers."

Harvard Health Publishing: "How useful is the body mass index (BMI)?"

Nutrients: "A Sustainable Wholesome Foodstuff; Health Effects and Potential Dietotherapy Applications of Yacon," "Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as a Food Supplement: Health-Promoting Benefits of Fructooligosaccharides."