What Makes Someone a Metrosexual?

Medically Reviewed on 4/6/2022
What makes someone a metrosexual
Metrosexuals are generally straight men who favor self-care and are very concerned with their grooming and appearance.

Metrosexuals are generally straight men who favor self-care. Metrosexual is a neologism formed from metropolitan and heterosexual that was developed in 1994 to describe a guy who is very concerned with his grooming and appearance, generally spending a substantial amount of time and money on shopping as part of this.

The word is commonly used to contrast heterosexuals who adopt trends and lives stereotypically associated with homosexuals. However, according to the originator's definition, a metrosexual “could be openly gay, straight, or bisexual.”

Metrosexuality has three dimensions that include:

  • Trendiness
  • Preoccupation with appearance
  • Extensive usage of grooming procedures 

Most research on metrosexuality is imitated to theories of lifestyle and shopping, expanded self-concept, and interests similar to those of women or homosexual men.

Are metrosexuals accepted in the society?

Men are becoming more concerned with their appearance. They are investing more time and money in their appearance through clothes, grooming, and even plastic surgery. The word "metrosexual" is used to characterize this occurrence, and it is regarded as a phenomenon because society does not expect men to be concerned with their beauty.

Fashion, beauty, and image improvement have long been considered the domain of women, yet men are increasingly allowed to enter this realm.

  • A study was conducted to uncover elements that led to the shift in gender roles and norms in our society.
  • According to the findings of this study, this tendency is strongly related to the function of the media, which is hardly surprising given a large amount of research on the influence of media on male appearance ideals.
  • Men are increasingly exposed to pictures that tell them "you don't look good enough,” just as women have been for many years. It appears that guys are now subject to the same beauty standards as women.

As a result, men are increasingly defining themselves based on what they eat and their image.

Depictions of media on men taking additional home tasks have resulted in less traditional gender norms. Furthermore, because men are not allowed to express their emotions of inadequacy, they absorb them, which appears to harm their self-esteem. As a result, the media's increased emphasis on looks now appears to exclude neither women nor men.


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Five signs you are dating a metrosexual man

A study conducted on matchmaking and dating apps discovered that most women desire metrosexual men who are well-groomed. Some women may even not notice that they are dating a metrosexual man.

Five signs that you may notice while dating a metrosexual man include:

  1. He frequently looks in the mirror and admires himself: If your boyfriend prefers to look in the mirror after he gets out of the shower, admiring himself while inspecting his hair and dousing it with hair spray and gel or staring at his sideburns, then he is a man who is concerned about his appearance.
  2. He is quite picky about housework: Usually, men wouldn’t mind a spec of dirt here and there as long as they see a mop regularly passing over the floor or the bedroom is clean. However, if your lover constantly criticizes you for missing a place, he may be a metrosexual.
  3. He enjoys dressing up: When he puts on a suit, he could easily pass for a male model. If his scent, from a branded perfume, stays on your clothes for days after you embrace him, he is most likely a metrosexual man.
  4. He critiques your attire: Assume you two decide to go out, and you dress casually because you've grown so familiar with him and at ease with him. However, when you show him your clothing, he is unimpressed with the matching of your shoes. He may quickly point out your lack of fashion and urge you to dress properly.
  5. He enjoys grooming and hairstyles: He is metrosexual if he gets a manicure and pedicure at least one time a month and likes tweezing his brows.

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Medically Reviewed on 4/6/2022
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PC Princess: Metrosexual — A Problematic “Identity”: https://ucsdguardian.org/2019/11/26/metrosexual-problematic-identity/

Understanding the metrosexual and spornosexual as a segment for retailers: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315845911_Understanding_the_metrosexual_and_spornosexual_as_a_segment_for_retailers