Salty Snacks: 19 Healthy Options to Satisfy Your Salt Cravings

Medically Reviewed on 11/17/2022
How can you satisfy your need to eat salt and stay healthy? These snacks may help to do the trick. Image Source: Getty Images
How can you satisfy your need to eat salt and stay healthy? These snacks may help to do the trick. Image Source: Getty Images

Your body needs sodium to function. Most of the sodium you take in comes from salt. But unfortunately, most Americans take in too much sodium. Though the body needs a certain amount to function properly, too much is bad for your health. It can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. These two kill more Americans annually than any other cause. Decreasing sodium intake can help with your overall health. But how can you satisfy your need to eat salt and stay healthy? These snacks may help to do the trick.

Healthy salty snack options

1. Veggie chips: You can surprisingly healthily satisfy salty cravings with baked veggies, like dark green leafy collard greens and kale. By removing the stems, shredding them, and baking them with olive oil and salt, you have made a 'chip' that you and the kids can enjoy.

2. Hummus with pretzels: This carb-rich snack provides energy, plant-based protein, and healthy fats with a taste that helps your salt cravings.

3. Organic popcorn with sea salt: Popcorn is an excellent substitute for a serving of potato chips. It helps to satisfy crunchy and salt cravings for only 30 calories. You can easily enhance it with additional flavors like rosemary, cayenne, or garlic.

4. Fruit charcuterie: Presentation and taste play significant roles in how enjoyable food is. A fruit arrangement displayed on a nice wooden board can help you snack better. Add local sauces and dips with salty tastes to make it delicious.

5. Harvest snapea crisps: This is a snack you find in the grocery store that is both crunchy and salty. It is also only 110 calories per craving fix. Snapea crisps are good in combination with salted almonds, making them even more nutritious and satisfying.

6. Ranch dressing with raw veggies: Salty ranch dressing with vegetables is a source of fat that is not only satisfying but can help you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

7. Veggie fries: Not your typical fry but a yummy alternative. Try cutting zucchini and carrots into long sticks or beets into circles. Drizzle them with olive oil, salt, herbs, and spices, and then bake. Once golden brown, you have your salty and satisfying snacks.

8. Whole grain rice cakes: This low-fat carbohydrate snack can be flavored to boost blood sugar and energy before activities.

9. Whole grain tortillas: After misting with canola oil, take a whole grain tortilla and glaze it over with sea salt. Bake and add ¼ cup of black beans, hot peppers, and skim cheese. Once done, add salsa. The beans and tortilla give fiber to keep you full, and the peppers address craving and your appetite.

10. Granola bars (especially Clif or Kind brands): These snacks are filling, salty, have whole foods for ingredients, and are good on the go. The two brands are found easily in grocery stores and convenience stores.

11. Black olives: A staple in the Mediterranean diet, black olives are heart-healthy with monounsaturated fats and low in calories. You will taste your salt, but they only contain 300 mg sodium per ¾ cup serving.

12. Edamame or dried chickpeas: These plant-based protein snacks are tasty and filling. They satisfy your cravings and are a good source of carbohydrates. The fiber-rich snack is a crunchy alternative to potato chips.

13. Cheese and turkey roll-ups with mustard: With a hint of salt, this snack gives you protein for fullness. It is a good alternative if you are trying to reduce carbs. It is easy to roll up your turkey and cheese with spicy mustard to dip it in. A roll-up is about 100 calories depending on the toppings. You can spice it up by adding avocado, lettuce, tomato, sprouts, or hummus.

14. Peanut butter crackers: This combo provides healthy fats to help stay full and carbs for energy. Crackers and peanut butter provide salty flavor, as does almond butter or another nut/seed butter.

15. Sea salt walnuts and cashews with rosemary: Nuts have healthy fats and fiber to satisfy you. Rosemary and sea salt provide flavor. Try tossing ¼ cup of mixed cashews and walnuts with olive oil, salt, and rosemary. Cook on a baking sheet for a crunchy, salty snack.

16. Hardboiled eggs: If boiled ahead of time, hardboiled eggs can be a quick protein source to keep on hand. Stuff with deviled ingredients or sprinkle with salt and pepper to satisfy your craving.

17. Baked sweet potato chips with chipotle powder and sea salt: It is a sweet potato, but the flavors are all over the place. Sweet potato is high in potassium and contains fiber to keep you satisfied. It is a natural diuretic and contains complex carbohydrates. Thinly sliced sweet potatoes tossed in a bowl with olive oil and chipotle power leads to a delicious baked chip. Immediately after cooking, dash with sea salt.

18. Cottage cheese: Balanced foods with carbs, fats, and protein are the key to satisfying your appetite. Cheese is one such food. One cup of cottage cheese has about 200 – 400 mg of sodium and leaves you feeling full. Cottage cheese helps you to keep a healthy diet plan and cut overeating. When topped with chopped walnuts or almonds, it helps satisfy the salt and crunch craving.

19. Salted fig parfait: Figs have a high amount of fiber which aid in weight loss. Two figs baked with honey and sea salt are satisfying and filling. You can douse it with Icelandic or high-protein Greek yogurt for extra flavor.

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Medically Reviewed on 11/17/2022

Centers for Disease Control: "About Sodium."

John Hopkins University: "SATISFYING GRAB-AND-GO SNACKS."

Mayo Clinic: "8 healthy snack ideas for weight loss."

Womens Health Magazine: "20 Salty Snacks That Can Actually Help You Lose Weight."